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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP][T1] Forecast: FW

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Posted: 9th Nov 2013 02:00 Edited at: 9th Nov 2013 02:06
Forecast: FW
Designed by a Woman for Women

Forecast: FW is a simplistic and easy to use app for predicting forecasts. It was designed by Kandi Zee, frustrated over current apps available on the market, to be easy, simple and fast to use. 7 days are clearly shown on screen and updating a forecast is as easy as tapping the screen three times. No menu navigation. No page navigation. No distracting ads. Once you've created your profile, you can open the app, view/update the day and close the app in a matter of seconds. The information is easy to read and discreet.

Evening once more! Pocket Coin was a success, so now on to my second app! This is an app my girlfriend has been wanting me to make all year and we've finally come up with a design and app flow that she feels is perfect. The design is loosely inspired on an iOS weather app. This is allot more simple and really easy to use.

Right now I have the day navigation and dial rotation done. Update button presses(that's it lol) and profile is created, save/loaded on start-up. Really just playing around with the UI atm, as it's the most important aspect of the app. I have a simple algorithm written out, so that will be added at the end. Got a few icons to create and I have a stylized font designed. I'm pretty happy with the layout currently. Easy on the eyes too.

I'm also designing the app for higher resolution displays. My g/f has a Note 3 and that thing has the same resolution as my computer monitor!! Only issue I've encountered is those pesky black outlines. The aspect ratio matches the screen resolution I set, so if the backdrop image is 100x100 to screen size, there technically shouldn't be any black outlines. I'll figure it out.

You may be thinking, "Man you love to make wip threads!?". I think it helps to motivate me to finish a project. I'm really working on small apps currently, this one I plan to finish by next Tuesday and hope for a release by Friday on Google Play. Cross fingers!

Alright I'm out!

Inmortalis Nox
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Posted: 9th Nov 2013 09:37 Edited at: 9th Nov 2013 09:52
I haven't got a clue what this is all about, but then again it was designed by a woman, so no surprise there (joking obviously!). But in all seriousness I see no harm in loads of WIPs mate. It's good to see what people are doing and see AppGameKit apps/games being made.

Here's to that possible future coop!
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Posted: 9th Nov 2013 18:20 Edited at: 9th Nov 2013 18:21
Quote: "I haven't got a clue what this is all about, but then again it was designed by a woman, so no surprise there (joking obviously!)."

This stuff still confuses the heck out of me. Hence why she designed it, while I do the codez and make it look pretty.

And actually, my last wip is already a 'release' thread, so it's not like I'm flooding the place with wips...I remember the grey forums, I think I did that more than anyone haha! Magellan, RPG_cyco and I had a new project wip every week it seemed.

Inmortalis Nox
easter bunny
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Posted: 11th Nov 2013 01:40
hmmm, so what exactly does it do?

formerly MissJoJo - Audacia Games
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Posted: 11th Nov 2013 15:53 Edited at: 11th Nov 2013 16:06
Been updating the graphics again and got some name plates in there. Also have a loading screen when it first fires up. Still have that really odd scaling issue with some sprites. On PC it looks jagged..but when I test on the phone it looks awesome.

The name plates fade in-and-out when changing days/month. Looks really nice in action. Everything has a little bit of either animation or fade effect, so it looks really smooth and polished. Will probably make a video tomorrow demonstrating it. My goal was to finish it by tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes haha.

Next goal is to get the dial will display two icons, day letter and forecast. Still need to finish the rest of the forecast images. 5 altogether.

Screenshot taken from PC, it's hard to read the name plates. But on the phone they stand out really nicely. Will have to test on a couple different phones to see how they look.

Quote: "hmmm, so what exactly does it do?"

Sorry, thought it was sorta obvious. It tracks a female's personal monthly calender. Shows day they start and end. Also shows fertile days. The program learns by your input. First time running it you just go in each day or the past couple days(thinking 21) and enter the 'weather' and after inputting about 30 days it'll be able to predict everything.

As you enter data throughout the year, it'll start to create predictions based on monthly averages, then year to month averages, etc. So it gets more accurate as you use it. If it's off a day or they're off a day, the user can easily adjust the forecasts and the program will adjust it's future predictions.

Hope that explains it better.

Inmortalis Nox
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Posted: 25th Nov 2013 05:48
What is a female's personal monthly calender? Only joking haha please don't answer that. The app looks very nice and the graphics are quite professional. It's an interesting idea too.

Van B
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Posted: 25th Nov 2013 10:30
What about a partner app, for a boyfriend, so they can be made aware that it's 'shark week', maybe also remind them of birthdays, anniversaries, tell them what size of clothes they wear - like a girlfriend alert app that sync's with this, but can also hold that vital information... might sound daft but it'd probably save a few arguments

I am the one who knocks...
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Posted: 25th Nov 2013 10:46
Quote: "What about a partner app, for a boyfriend, so they can be made aware that it's 'shark week', maybe also remind them of birthdays, anniversaries, tell them what size of clothes they wear - like a girlfriend alert app that sync's with this, but can also hold that vital information... might sound daft but it'd probably save a few arguments"

That's the greatest idea ever! I'm not kidding. Have notifications for when to stay away, buy flowers, etc lol.

Inmortalis Nox
Van B
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Posted: 25th Nov 2013 13:09
I think your onto a winner - how awesome would that app be when shopping for presents at xmas... traditional romance helped by modern technology

I think there's a lot of use for a shared relationship app, not just for tracking monthlies, but all the other data and dates that we are expected to keep track of... women could just provide all that data for us to search through when we need it!

I am the one who knocks...
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Posted: 25th Nov 2013 13:50
I can just imagine it now. Standing at the checkout about to hand over my credit card ... *bing* ... what's that? Check the app. [That Jam I like has been appended to the shopping list]


*pay and leave. Blame the app for being slow*

I think the boyfriend version of the app should come with a "Excuses to get out of doing these things" secret screen.

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