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Work in Progress / Bullet Physics Library Wrapper for DBPro

Stab in the Dark software
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Posted: 30th Mar 2015 18:47 Edited at: 14th Apr 2015 01:50
The character controller is finished, I forgot to make a video for it.
In any of the videos where you see ragdoll there is also a character controller.
I designed it to go directly from the character controller at any frame of animation to a full physics ragdoll.
This is a short video showing the character control which you can only see in the physics debug draw mode..

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Posted: 31st Mar 2015 19:22
That looks brilliant! I'm using Newton as a physics engine for my game and it works well, but some things like calculating angles for example are a bit of a pain to be honest. I would love to try this engine out instead.
Also, animation frame to ragdoll is absolutely awesome.
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Posted: 31st Mar 2015 21:27 Edited at: 31st Mar 2015 21:33
When I first started working with physics I also used Newton.
I got a copy of the Newton source code and at first fixed some of the bugs.
I then proceeded to make it easier to use on the DBPro side.
Then I upgraded the code to use a newer version of Newton, because it had an object fracture algorithm but found it had bugs.
The author of Newton stopped fixing bugs and began a total rewrite of Newton, so I moved on.

When I started using Bullet I found it much faster than Newton and more stable in its final release.
I have designed my bullet wrapper to be a lot easier to use than Newton.
Bullet Physics had a fracture algorithm, but could only fracture a box or convex hull.
I wanted to be able to fracture a complex object (both concave and convex), so I found a solution by creating
a CSG algorithm which keeps all the uv and normals intact. The exciting news is now that the convex hull decomposition is
working so well to create the collision shapes I should be able to also use the collision shapes for Occlusion.
Yes, OCCLUSION. It is already built into DirectX and all you need is the occlusion shapes for your objects.
The way it would work is you just flag your object to be an occluder or an occludee. I will get back to coding
so I can get a version released all the sooner for everyone to try.

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Posted: 1st Apr 2015 23:28
Looking really cool !

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Posted: 14th Apr 2015 01:48 Edited at: 18th Apr 2015 18:28
Today we are releasing an Alpha version of the Bullet Physics Wrapper DLL.

Edit New Version 04/18/15

The zip file contains the dll and the keywords file and 3 demos.
The 3 demos are a Terrain demo, Character Controller demo and a Ragdoll Demo, with an executable and the DBPro Project source code.
To build the DBpro projects you will need Matrix1Utils plugins collection, which can be found at this link..

Matrix1Utils Plugins Post

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Posted: 14th Apr 2015 02:20
@Stab in the Dark software

the demo's are very nice

unfortunately i do not have DBP installed
i had to reinstall windows

i am interested in the how my system would take to build
the bubble around a object so if you could post a demo
that would be of great help to me

i do not need out put code

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Posted: 18th Apr 2015 18:26 Edited at: 18th Apr 2015 19:01

Here is a new Alpha version with a new demo added for convex hull decomposition. The link above has been updated.

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Posted: 24th Apr 2015 16:36
Here is a new Alpha version with some minor bug fixes and a new demo for fracturing objects for destruction physics.
Now you can have custom destruction physics for DBPro.
Download from link in First post.

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Posted: 9th May 2015 22:58
Added a new command for fracturing limbs of an object.
Here is a preview.

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Posted: 10th May 2015 20:23
Really interesting stuff here. My project isn't far enough along yet to integrate this but I am watching and learning. My needs are a little different since I'm dealing with outer space but I'm wondering if its possible to great floating gravity fields where objects just rotate floating in space. Also using the hinges to make objects that can be connected and interactable sounds like a possibility. The fracturing of limbs looks full of potential as well so I'm keeping my eye out on this. When my project is more setup I'll grab this and start integrating it and playing with its potential, that's still a ways off though. I just wanted to give a holler that I'm paying attention though, thanks for all the work!
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Posted: 10th May 2015 21:51
@Stab in the Dark software

now that's a good addiction ;o)

is it possible to interact with the broken peaces after they are
not attached ?

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Stab in the Dark software
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Posted: 12th May 2015 18:03
Quote: "is it possible to interact with the broken peaces after they are
not attached ?"

Yes, They are physics objects.

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Posted: 13th May 2015 02:46
DBPro is desperately in need of a good physics plugin (although Dark Dynamix came pretty close) and you're doing a very good job of providing one!

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Posted: 13th May 2015 03:14
DBPro needed this

the 3 other addition is needs a is better version of

Liquid's and OpenGl and cloth then it will be complicate

i think the move away from directx would also help it
it has some merits but unless you have the latest hard ware
it's not going to work to is full ability's

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Posted: 13th May 2015 04:01
Quote: "Liquid's and OpenGl and cloth then it will be complicate

i think the move away from directx would also help it
it has some merits but unless you have the latest hard ware
it's not going to work to is full ability's"

DBPro will never, ever use OpenGL. It's built entirely on DX9 and changing to OpenGL would require re-writing the whole thing from scratch. Additionally, a large number of the plugins would no longer function as they rely on directly hooking into DirectX.

And for the record, Dark Dynamix already offers fluid and cloth simulation.

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Posted: 13th May 2015 19:09

I know there the DBP and the addition for DBP Were DirectX linked

in my poking around the forum i had found a link to openGL
plugin but sadly no download for it and the 3 creators
can't be contacted

i know vrml was directX based but it did not carry over to
any thing but 3d web based

With AGK2 a new door has open and now it's just a matter of time
till it has what DBP had and this time it will cover more
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Posted: 13th May 2015 19:29
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Posted: 13th May 2015 20:05

it looks like i missed that one
Thanks for the link

i will give this a check at a some point

i guess i will have to put DBP in and do some testing
to see how far i can push things

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Stab in the Dark software
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Posted: 14th May 2015 18:09
Please do not hijack this thread to discuss OpenGL.

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Posted: 15th May 2015 01:00
@Stab in the Dark software

it was not my intention to hijack this thread

with your addiction

it opens up doors that were not there
this making programing game interaction less of pain to achieve
and breathes new life in DBP

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Posted: 18th May 2015 16:27
Until I get the help file finished, just post any questions on what you want to accomplish and I will provide a code sample
with an explanation of the commands. I trying to get a better idea of how many would be interested in purchasing this dll,
then I can decided whether to continue development.

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Posted: 19th May 2015 03:20
I'm using Unity for my current game so I won't be using DBPro at all, but if it was still about 2 years ago I'd have been very interested! That is to say, I bought heaps of plugins when I was starting out with DBPro and having ridiculously ambitious plans for games

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Posted: 19th May 2015 19:32
@Stab in the Dark software

I would perchance this
I've bought all the addition i could find for DBP
and this one would bring DBP up to ware it needs to be

I've been looking at DBP code for 15 years
and after all that time what i could not understand
i do understand a lot better

when it comes to fragmenting a object
how much control is there

as in the size and ware it breaks up a object ?

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Posted: 21st May 2015 21:31
If you are interested in purchasing this dll please post here.
I am considering discontinuing development if I do not get enough interest.

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Posted: 21st May 2015 21:45 Edited at: 26th May 2015 02:52
@Stab in the Dark software

Things have changed for DBP over time

with your addition to it
this will breed new life into it

all the previous physics engines were limited
by the technology at the time they came out

DBO is one of the easiest programing Creation software program out there that i have found

yours would get it to ware it needs to be

liquid's and cloth would be the final needed additions
to that you have dun so far

I know the game Creators have put efforts into two other
projects and it will be some time before at least one
will be any ware near DBP 3d options

I want to use it as i prefer the computer over the android devices
as they are still way to far down on the food chain to play
a maxed out game

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Posted: 21st May 2015 21:49

I'd stretch to £15-20 and buy. Please carry on with development!

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 26th May 2015 19:16 Edited at: 26th May 2015 19:17
The price would be $60.00 dollars US, based on the features that are included.
It seems there may not be enough interest to continue this project. Sadly it seems that
the DBPro community has dwindled in size these last few years. Financially I may not be able to
continue with out more support.

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Posted: 26th May 2015 19:39
@Stab in the Dark software

i know that DBP is not as well know as the other game creation software

and since it came to a standstill as more people are
interested in creating android or similar in the last
couple of years

pc games are still a big part of the market place
i saw a video yesterday of a supper home pc computer

so pc's are still going to be around for a long time
it just takes one person to create a good game or simulation
program to get the ball rolling

i have couple of idea's for such and with your addition
the most needed i could accomplish such

the android is still in it's infancy stage and will be
for the next few years

I would like you to complete this so i can do what i have
been trying to understand for quite some time

I've spent a lot of money and time on DBP and want to
not have to shelve it when i finally understand what i could not
understand when i first found DBP

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Posted: 27th May 2015 09:38
Quote: "It seems there may not be enough interest to continue this project. Sadly it seems that
the DBPro community has dwindled in size these last few years. Financially I may not be able to
continue with out more support."

That's a shame. 'Twas a good plugin, by the looks of it. If I were you I'd be pestering TGC to get a move on with the plugin support for AGK. Depending on how it's implemented, it may not be a massive job to port the code and then you'd have a great plugin for an up-and-coming platform

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Posted: 29th May 2015 21:05
I think if the TGC were going to put Bullet Physics in AppGameKit they would have done it by now.
They are falling behind with AppGameKit and need to do something fast or AppGameKit will fail. I have already pestered
them to contract me to add more physics to Game Guru. It seems Game Guru is not doing so well so they are not interested
in adding more physics. I wrote this plugin so it could easily be ported to AppGameKit in the future. If TGC want the code and support
to get it implemented in Game Guru and AppGameKit they better act fast or loose out.

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Posted: 29th May 2015 21:19
@Stab in the Dark software

i read in one of the post's that they wanted to get the basic's working
before they continue but as we all know as programers bugs crepe in
and some peaces take time to figure out

if you can get things set for working with DBP
then that would show them how important this plugin is ;o)

this has come much farther than and of the other physics engine they had

i have no idea if i will ever understand
how to program in any thing other than DBP or AGK2

so like the others who are following the programmers of this
please continue the work

if one of turns out a good showing of what can be dun then
this will get the notice that it deserves ;o)

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Posted: 9th Jun 2015 01:42
@Stab in the Dark software

i just reinstalled DBP on my computer

like i said before i got a few idea that would have taken
much longer to achieve with out this plugin and no ware near
the quality that i could do with this

in time i know your plugin will work well on android and a like devices
once the hardware get up there and AppGameKit 2 gets closer to ware DBP is

every one that has check out this posting knows that
it will be a good physics's addition to DBP

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2015 11:21
Any chances to get this working into DGDK?

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2015 15:03 Edited at: 23rd Sep 2015 15:05
Quote: "Any chances to get this working into DGDK?"

It might be possible but at the moment I am working on adding it to AppGameKit 2.
Have you thought about moving your project to AppGameKit 2?
The next release will have the 3D commands added and the Physics

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Posted: 24th Sep 2015 04:35
Quote: "The next release will have the 3D commands added and the Physics

The current release has those things...

Quote: "Have you thought about moving your project to AppGameKit 2?"

Geez I think MPL3D would be a pretty massive project to port over... not to mention the nightmare of trying to make sure AppGameKit has all the commands that GDK has!

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Posted: 24th Sep 2015 14:59
Quote: "The current release has those things..."

How could the current release have it when I am still working on it.LOL

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Posted: 24th Sep 2015 15:38
Quote: "How could the current release have it when I am still working on it.LOL"

Well OBVIOUSLY I have no idea what I'm talking about...

Seriously though I misread the last blog post and didn't realise that build wasn't released yet. *facepalm*

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 10:59 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 11:00
Quote: "Quote: "Have you thought about moving your project to AppGameKit 2?"

Geez I think MPL3D would be a pretty massive project to port over... not to mention the nightmare of trying to make sure AppGameKit has all the commands that GDK has!"

Yes well, my problems start with porting the shaders and make them work in Open GL, which would be some sort of pain.

I also use many other plugins, like Cloggy's D3DFunc and IanM Matrix1 Utils.

MPL3D Solar System also uses Windows API to know some details like the Local Time Zone, and the moment for Daylight Saving Time changes, which depends on the country.

I guess it will take me like a year or so to move the whole project to a DGDK friendly language like AppGameKit, and yet, I'm not sure if all functionality can be ported, or if it will be able to take advantage of the multi-platform feature.

I found very interesting the Bullet Physics Library Wrapper, and I was thinking that it could be incorporated to the MPL3D Solar System in-built 3D Asteroid Game, to make it more spectacular.
Right now, asteroids in the game get fractured using some physics calculus, but the mesh are prepared and pre-made, so they always broke in a similar fashion.

By now, I'm stuck with DGDK. Please let me know in the future if there any chances to use the Bullet Physics Library Wrapper with it.

Other than that keep on the good job. Looking great.

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