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Dark GDK / DarkGDK Open Source - A Recent Working Version - Download Here

The Tall Man
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2013 00:57 Edited at: 11th May 2020 22:28
Quote: "Update - 7 May, 2014
There have been numerous additional updates made to the source code by WickedX. He used the latest version (r113) from the repository as a basis. He is distributing those here:

Note: r111 and r113 are the same version. Those version number changes (from r111 - r113) were updates to the repository's wiki, not to the source code."

My updates to the open source code (which I am no longer making) have been checked in to the Google repository as r102 - r113:

There are also now two wiki pages (r112 - r113), one with build instructions, and the other for some focus on where to go from here as far as additional improvements. Since it is an open source project, I hope some of you will join in!

Build Requirements
Visual Studio 2008
DirectX SDK (Aug 2007)
Windows XP (later versions may work but haven't been tested)

It does build and function with DarkGDK. DarkBasicPro builds, but functionality has not been tested.

Broken functions that have been fixed include:
dbLoadAnimation() - This function had been disabled for DarkGDK since before 2007. You can now load movies and videos into your DarkGDK games (without DarkVideo).
dbPlayObject(), dbLoopObject() - These haven't worked since just before the 2010 release. These help to automate animation of your objects, such as characters.
dbSetObjectSmoothing() - This creates normals for an object to allow lower-polygon meshes to appear smooth under lighting.
dbLoadObject() - specifically for .3DS objects. It used to take a half-hour to load a single higher-polygon .3DS object. Now it only takes 40 seconds!
dbSetMusicVolume() - It worked as of the 2010 release, but was broken in r69 of the open source.
dbParticlesExist() - This used to return a bool. Now it returns an int, to be consistent with the other dbExist functions.

Some new functions have been added as well:
dbGetAmbientLight() - Returns the current ambient light percentage.
dbTerrainExist() - Returns 1 if the given terrain number exists, 0 if it does not exist.
dbMakeObjectCylinder() - A new version of this already-existing function was created to allow you to choose how many segments makes up the cylinder (the default is 30).

And with you chipping in, here are some directions this could quickly go:
Visual Studio 2010, 2012, and 2013 - Creating additional Solution/Project versions that build and function with these.
DirectX SDK more recent than Aug 2007 - Updating DirectX functionality.
Releasing Hidden Functionalities of DarkBasicPro into DarkGDK (since they share the same source code).
New Documentation that is complete, concise, and includes brief functional examples.
Cleaning & Reorganisation of the source code
Adding new capabilities

You can download the compiled release libraries here:
DarkGDK - Open Source r111 - Compiled Release

Quote: "Update 2020:
Since Google has now archived the repository and finding the source-code there is a bit confusing, I have re-included the latest snapshot of the full source-code here:
DarkGDK - Open Source r113 - Full"
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What we perceive is never reality. It is only a story we tell ourselves based on our current perspective, which has far more to do with our beliefs about ourselves than with anything else.


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Posted: 2nd Dec 2013 02:39
No C++ project ever compiles straight out of the box if you have downloaded it from anywhere - not even simple examples of frameworks. It always takes some tweaking
That said there shouldn't be any code errors, just ubiquitous includes and conflicts during compilation. If the code doesn't compile chances are you're using a different version of some library (such as Directx) than the original code was written for.

"Why do programmers get Halloween and Christmas mixed up?"
The Tall Man
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2013 03:35 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2013 16:42
While that is unfortunately typical (although the kinds of errors typically go well beyond what you're describing in my experience, this time included), it's not always true. There's certainly no need for it. It's all about whatever energy people put into it - attitude, excellence, and clear communication (or lack thereof).

Crappy input = crappy output.
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2013 04:08 Edited at: 5th Dec 2013 21:12
Additional Notes:

One unfortunate side-effect of doing the open-source builds is that they had it set up to place junk in various parts of your computer, including in your FPS-Creator folder (which causes it to crash on start-up because of version mismatches).

Here are the three locations where junk was placed that I'm discovered:

1. In the folder where FPS-Creator is installed, it added 2 .DLLs and an .ILK which caused it to crash when trying to start it up. I discovered them after reinstalling FPS-Creator (so there may have been more that I didn't catch) and having it still crash. I discovered these files by their modification date. To resolve the problems they create just delete them (from the same directory where the FPS Creator .EXEs are stored (you might want to move them prior to deletion first, just to be safe). The three files are:


2. C:\TGC
3. C:\Users
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2013 17:34 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2013 17:39
This thread should be ''sticky''
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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 23:21
The Tall Man

As I've fallen way behind on DarkGDK.NET updates, I've been trying to also compile the open source stuff because I'm now missing the libraries required to compile the main DarkGDK.NET source.

If I can get this stuff to build using VS2010, it'll certainly help to get DarkGDK.NET updated also.

I didn't find this thread until googling for build issues with the original source, so thanks for posting.


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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 23:58
You're welcome Paul. Glad I could help! I'd be curious how it does with VS2010, as I used 2008.

Maybe Lee or someone still has those libraries somewhere - assuming they're DarkGDK.NET-specific and still used by the code, and not just failed to have been cleaned up from dependencies and pragmas.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 01:28
Ok, I did have to use 2008 to build, but so far so good. The good thing about this is that I should also be able to sort out the Window Handling issues which plagued the original DarkGDK libraries when trying to build DarkGDK.NET. Now that I have access to this source code, I can modify the function myself.

This is excellent stuff The Tall Man, I really appreciate the changes and rollbacks that were needed to get it to build.


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Posted: 14th Dec 2013 11:41 Edited at: 14th Dec 2013 11:44
dbLoopObject() and dbPlayObject() does not work.
Can you repair dbLoopObject() and dbPlayObject()?
Are you possible?

Here is a sample code.



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The Tall Man
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Posted: 14th Dec 2013 18:27 Edited at: 15th Dec 2013 02:22

TGC moved the UpdateAnimationCycle() function call to another place - the comment (U75 - 080410) says to make the animation code function faster. The problem is they forgot to call it its new place. They did this just before their 2010 release, so it hasn't worked since 2008.

The good news is you can call it manually from within your main loop! Call it just before your dbSync() command.

To be able to call it, you need to add its prototype before your DarkGDK() function. It actually belongs in DarkSDKBasic3D.h from your includes folder. Here is its prototype.

So here is your new main.cpp:

If you'd like to see how to fix it in the source code instead, it's in the post just below.

I've updated the source code and the compiled libraries with the fixes for dbPlayObject(), dbLoopObject(), and dbLoadAnimation(). You can download it from the first post in this thread.
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Posted: 14th Dec 2013 19:39 Edited at: 30th Dec 2013 06:36
Here are some quick how-to's of restoring functions DarkGDK that were broken by TGC. Fixes 1-2 are included in the current download at the top of this thread.
1. dbLoadAnimation()
2. dbPlayObject() and dbLoopObject()

3. dbSetObjectSmoothing()
4. dbLoadObject() - Now load .3DS models in seconds instead of half-hours!

1. dbLoadAnimation() - To include videos (avi, mpg, etc) in your games!
This has never worked in the history of DarkGDK! The reason is because the function dbLoadAnimation() function has no effect, thus rendering the entire animation library useless. This is very easy to fix!

1. Open the Dark Basic Pro SDK\Shared\Animation\CAnimation.cpp file
2. Go to the function CoreLoadAnimation().
3. Delete the first line that says #ifndef DARKSDK_COMPILE, and its matching #endif.

That's it. Animation (videos/movies) ability is switched on.

2. dbPlayObject() and dbLoopObject() - The ability to have your objects automatically animate at any speed you set.
Automatic object animation functionality was broken just prior to the 2010 release of DarkGDK. You can search the source-code for this comment tag (U75 - 080410) to see how and where it was broken. Basically a function UpdateAnimationCycle() needs to be called every time it syncs, but the call to it was overlooked with the changes.

To fix this:
1. Open DarkSDKBasic3D.h from the includes folder.
2. Add the prototype:

Do this if you're wanting to correct it in the source code:
3. Open Dark Basic Pro SDK\Shared\Core\DBDLLExtCalls.cpp.
4. Find the function: SetDBDLLExtCalls().
5. From there, search down for UpdateAnimationCycle. You'll find it within a block of code that falls within #ifndef DARKSDK_COMPILE.
6. Go down to the next block of code after the #else, and just after the g_Basic3D_PassCoreData is set, add the following line:

Or do this if you're just doing this within a DarkGDK project, if you don't have the source code:
3. Add this in the main loop just before calling dbSync().

That's it. Automatic object animations are reinstated.

3. dbSetObjectSmoothing() - This is to create normals for your object so that when the light hits it, the mesh of polygons will appear smooth.
First of all, there are 2 versions of this function. One where you set a float fAngle, and the other where you set an int iPercentage. I have no idea why they say you can set an angle, because the source code takes that "angle" and treats it as a percentage. Angles refer to a lower-level scope than this. In fact the prototype of the function that deals with it calls it a float fAngle, and the function itself calls it a float fPercentage. So the prototype needs to be corrected there.

So you may as well just delete the fAngle prototype of the dbSetObjectSmoothing() and use the percentage version only. Or if you'd like to use float fPercentage instead of in iPercentage, then delete the percentage one and correct the angle one to say percentage.

This function dbSetObjectSmoothing() was broken in the 140306 revision, so it's quite possible this function has never worked (at least reliably) in the history of DarkGDK! The error was in the commenting out a necessary vertex update function, saying it was not needed for changes in normals. Well - yes it is!

1. Open CObjectsC.cpp.
2. Go to the function SetSmoothing().
3. The last line in the function is a commented-out call to UpdateVertexDataInMesh ( pObject );. Un-comment-it-out.

4. As an aside, in SetSmoothing()'s inner function SmoothNormals(), dwSharedVertexMax is set to 32. Then a hard 32 is used a little further down to prevent a memory overflow. That hard 32 needs to be replaced with dwSharedVertexMax. Also in a model I'm testing all this with, it exceeded 31, so I changed the 32 to a 64, which was high enough for it. ...just something to consider. Its purpose is to pre-allocate the maximum amount of memory that may be used for the normals. It's just a local function-wide allocation, it's freed at the end.

If you're not using the source-code, you can call this function manually in your DarkGDK projects:

1. First, add its prototype to your project:

2. After your call to dbSetObjectSmoothing(),
3. Call the new function with a pointer to your object:

4. dbLoadObject() - specifically the conversion of .3DS models.
The loading of .3DS models has been ultra-slow in the EXTREME! 20-60 minutes per model!! This was due to the use of the stdio function strcat() for building a 50MB array, just a few characters at a time. I you've ever opened a .3DS file in a text editor, you know it's a regular text file. What strcat() does ~each time~ it's called is it searches from the beginning of the char* array for a NULL terminator, then copies the source string at the end, thus concatenating the two char* strings into one - in this case to build a very long string, one element at a time.

What I did was crude and quick - just to get it working for practical purposes. But here's how I did it:
1. I opened Conv3DS.cpp.
2. I created this function, and put it near the top of the file:

3. There are several functions that repeat the following command:

Sometimes instead of szTemp, a direct string is used, but these all take the form: strcat(m_sdData, [some text string here]);
I did a Find & Replace for strcat(m_sdData, (you have to include the right number of spaces), and replaced that with StringAdd( local_m_szData,

So a call like


4. At the top of each function where I now call StringAdd with local_m_szData, I define local_m_szData as follows:

All this does the same function as the strcat() calls, except that the local_m_szData is a pointer to the last element added rather than the entire beginning. Thus the NULL terminator is always very close instead of tens of millions of bytes away! It's actually practical now to load .3DS models. Although as with .dbo files, high polygon models do take a while to load. But no longer due to wasteful use of text copying commands. Normally I'd prefer the fix to be a little cleaning - I just wanted to do something fast for the time being, just to get it working.

Q: mean computer imagery was still based on the paradigm that the world was flat? Even into the 21st century??? Talk about doing something the hard way!

A: Yep! Back then people would render simple shapes with complex meshes of thousands of flat little triangles. Next to the bottleneck processors they used, it's the main reason why their computers were so slow. In the last days of the religious atmosphere of centralization and trade, corporate dogmas had people believing that flat was faster.
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Posted: 15th Dec 2013 02:19 Edited at: 15th Dec 2013 02:21
The Tall Man

Thank you.
It work; is very glad.

The Tall Man
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Posted: 15th Dec 2013 02:23
You're welcome
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Posted: 15th Dec 2013 20:28 Edited at: 16th Dec 2013 03:33
Nice work here, Patrick. Keep it up and thanks you.

I don’t have much to add, but I have managed to get the missing image block commands to work. Add the following lines to CImageC.CPP just before the #endif.

Now add these lines to the end of DarkSDKImage.h.

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Posted: 15th Dec 2013 20:30 Edited at: 16th Dec 2013 03:32
Attached is an example using the image block functions.


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The Tall Man
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Posted: 16th Dec 2013 19:33 Edited at: 30th Dec 2013 06:33
Hey that's awesome, WickedX! Thanks! And source code examples too - terrific! That's a pretty convenient functionality.

I'd been completely unfamiliar with image blocks. Looking at your source code, I can see they're not .bin. From the source code, looks like they don't have a default/preferred extension. Did you make the .idt up? Or do are you familiar with them?

There are so many functions that DarkGDK hasn't been give access to - as the code is shared between DarkGDK and DBPro, I think DBPro had been given more functionality. And in most cases (if not all) there's no reason for DarkGDK not to have it. One of these days some of us will just have to go through the files function by function (the high-level access ones), and add the missing ones to the DarkGDK dbFunction sets.

Here's one from the light module that I happened across and created in my local source code:

But even without all these access wrapper dbFunctions, anyone using DarkGDK can still use them directly - they'd just have to know about them, and secondly add their prototypes to a .h file.

Q: mean computer imagery was still based on the paradigm that the world was flat? Even into the 21st century??? Talk about doing something the hard way!

A: Yep! Back then people would render simple shapes with complex meshes of thousands of flat little triangles. Next to the bottleneck processors they used, it's the main reason why their computers were so slow. In the last days of the religious atmosphere of centralization and trade, corporate dogmas had people believing that flat was faster.
The Tall Man
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Posted: 30th Dec 2013 06:03 Edited at: 30th Dec 2013 20:17
Update: My source code revisions are now in the repository on Google. Several functions have been fixed, and a few new ones added, including since the 3rd download I distributed here.

I've updated the first message at the top of this thread with the details.

Q: mean computer imagery was still based on the paradigm that the world was flat? Even into the 21st century??? Talk about doing something the hard way!

A: Yep! Back then people would render simple shapes with complex meshes of thousands of flat little triangles. Next to the bottleneck processors they used, it's the main reason why their computers were so slow. In the last days of the religious atmosphere of centralization and trade, corporate dogmas had people believing that flat was faster.
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Posted: 6th Jan 2014 02:26
My apologies for the long delay in my response. I just ported a DBPro demo, personally I use the bin extension. I would so much enjoy helping with this project. Unfortunately my free time is getting shorter by the day.

Thank you, for all your effort.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2014 22:24 Edited at: 12th Jan 2014 22:44
I have one error of building r113 (in Release and Debug):
... shared\animation\canimation.h(10) : fatal error C1083: Can not open file include: atlbase.h: No such file or directory

I use VS2008, DirectX SDK (Aug 2007), Win7 x64.

1) What to do?
2) For building r113 should I use Debug or Release mode?
3) There is no ShaderData.lib in ...trunk\ darkbasicpro --username LeeBamberTGC\DarkGDK\Code\Lib\VS9. Why?
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Posted: 13th Jan 2014 03:18 Edited at: 13th Jan 2014 03:22
This build was tested with Windows XP 32 bit, you're using Windows 7 64 bit. So there may be some differences.

On my machine, atlbase.h is located here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\atlmfc\include

So perhaps you need to take a look at your standard include paths?

You can use either Debug or Release, it's up to you. They both work.

It looks like ShaderData.lib hasn't been present since the 2007 release. Neither update that followed (2008, 2010) had it. So I'm guessing maybe it was eliminated. But that was before my involvement. Is there something specific that you need it for?

And keep in mind that there are no files at all in the
...trunk\ darkbasicpro --username LeeBamberTGC\DarkGDK\Code\Lib\VS9

directory in the repository. All those .lib files are created by you when you do a Release build.

Q: mean computer imagery was still based on the paradigm that the world was flat? Even into the 21st century??? Talk about doing something the hard way!

A: Yep! Back then people would render simple shapes with complex meshes of thousands of flat little triangles. Next to the bottleneck processors they used, it's the main reason why their computers were so slow. In the last days of the religious atmosphere of centralization and trade, corporate dogmas had people believing that flat was faster.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2014 04:28 Edited at: 13th Jan 2014 04:31
I am closing my account in this forum as of today (12 January, 2014) for reasons stated in my Final Update in the top message of this thread. So I will not be around to answer any questions from here on.

It's my hope that others step in and continue to improve and update the open-source code. If you're interested, see Lee's sticky post near the top of this DARK GDK forum.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2014 21:43 Edited at: 14th Jan 2014 14:35
@ The Tall Man
Forgive all administrators of the forum and come back. Please. You're a valuable member of DarkGDK community and we need you. Please come back.

About atlbase.h
My computer does not have this file. Here are instructions on how to get it.
1) Download and install "Windows 2003 SDK" from here:
(Select "PSDK-x86.exe" for 32-bit computer, "PSDK-amd64.exe" for 64-bit computer, "PSDK-ia64.exe" for itanium.)
(Update: maybe "Windows Driver Kit 7.1" has atlbase.h and atlthunk.lib too, I do not know.)
2) Take folder "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Include\atl" (atlbase.h will be one of many files inside this folder, but for compiling atlbase.h we need ALL files
of this folder) and drag and drop this folder somewhere, for example here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\atl"
3) Go to "Configuration Properties -> VC++ directories". Choose "Include directories". Then select "edit" and add this folder (for example "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\atl")
4) We need to modify atlbase.h to avoid error "Can not open file atlthunk.lib". Find the following code in atlbase.h:

Replace it with this code:

5) Uninstall "Windows 2003 SDK"

Now all work without errors. Thank you, The Tall Man, for your work.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2014 22:05
if you use the express version of VC, the atlbase is not included. for me it works if i comment it out.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2014 23:11 Edited at: 13th Jan 2014 23:16
@ MadBit
Yes, I use VS2008 Express.
Quote: "for me it works if i comment it out"

What and where comment out? In which file? I do not understand. Error was only in building "Animation.lib".
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Posted: 13th Jan 2014 23:44
search for #include <atlbase.h> (may be 'canimation.h'), this line you can comment out.

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Posted: 14th Jan 2014 00:38
I found "#include <atlbase.h>" only in canimation.h, but commenting it out gives me 14 errors of building. Screenshot in attachment.


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Posted: 14th Jan 2014 04:12 Edited at: 14th Jan 2014 04:32
Well, I couldn't find a way to close my account, so I'm still here for the moment. I sent a PM to The Next, the moderator who'd posted the reference to the AUP, asking him to close my account. He's read it, but hasn't responded or closed my account. So if any moderator happens to see this, please feel free to close my account Thanks!


Thanks for the complement! I think you have proven you don't need me though. And the truth is I was planning to phase out anyway, hoping that a few someone else's would step up and continue things. I thought maybe with a well-functional foundation, the open-source project might spark and take off again. And I told Lee all that up-front before he gave me access to the repository. After all it is open-source, which means a community project, by definition. I just hadn't planned to leave so abruptly or for this reason. And it has more to do with company policy I think than any administrator in particular. Like I said, that one moderator was just posting a reference to it when I happened to read it in its entirety. Of course it is upheld by the people who uphold it and choose to live under it. After all, any power any such document appears to have comes only from the humans who believe in it, uphold, and submit to it. The sovereign free will of every living being in the universe is the only actual reality here.

And it's not so much that I was offended (although I did feel that way, but that was my choice, not anyone else's fault), it's more that I know what kind of world I want to live in, and the world is what we make it. I support that which is of the kind of world I want to live in, and I do not support that which is of the kind of world I don't wish to live in. It's that simple. It's like Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." That's some of the most powerful advice I've ever followed! That and to trust myself and follow my heart.

Glad you resolved your atlbase.h issue. And it's awesome you posted the how-to for someone else who runs into the same thing! That's what I mean about people stepping up. As an alternative, one could try upgrading VC 2008 to its latest service pack. Could be that it just wasn't included in the original download. But this is just an educated guess.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2014 08:47 Edited at: 14th Jan 2014 08:48
ohh mmh, forget it what I said. If you use this modification

Quote: "1. dbLoadAnimation() - To include videos (avi, mpg, etc) in your games!
This has never worked in the history of DarkGDK! The reason is because the function dbLoadAnimation() function has no effect, thus rendering the entire animation library useless. This is very easy to fix!

1. Open the Dark Basic Pro SDK\Shared\Animation\CAnimation.cpp file
2. Go to the function CoreLoadAnimation().
3. Delete the first line that says #ifndef DARKSDK_COMPILE, and its matching #endif.

That's it. Animation (videos/movies) ability is switched on."

then the atlbase.h is required.


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Posted: 14th Jan 2014 14:19 Edited at: 14th Jan 2014 14:22
@ MadBit
I use OFFICIAL last revision (r113) from OFFICIAL repository. So not "...if you use this modification...", but now ALL WE WILL use this modification.

@ The Tall Man
I see your kind heart. I want to tell you something (excuse me my bad english): World is not perfect, all the forums are not perfect, we all are not perfect. Change the bad things that you can, and be above the bad things you can not change. This forum is not the worst, so I ask you: stay with us, we all need each other.
If you think that it would be correct, please, at the end of your first post in this thread replace the words "Quote: Final Update - 12 January, 2014. As of today I am closing... ..." on the following phrase: "If in the process of building VisualStudio would require atlbase.h, instructions for obtaining atlbase.h are here:"
God bless you, The Tall Man.
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Posted: 7th May 2014 23:53
Thanks s_i

I just changed my update. I'm letting go of judgments and loosening up
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Posted: 7th May 2014 23:55
There have been numerous additional updates made to the source code by WickedX. He used the latest version (r113) from the repository as a basis. He is distributing those here:

Note: r111 and r113 are the same version. Those version number changes (from r111 to r113) were updates to the repository's wiki, not to the source code.
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Posted: 10th May 2014 19:00
@ The Tall Man
Quote: "Note: r111 and r113 are the same version"

Yes, I know this. And WickedX fixed bug with atlbase.h compilation. He's a good man, and I watch him work. The DarkGDK is alive!
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Posted: 10th May 2014 20:15 Edited at: 10th May 2014 20:31
Yeah!!! It's great to see!

Judging what we see is the greatest blinder and self-limiter in the universe.

What we perceive is never reality. It is only a story we tell ourselves based on our current perspective, which has far more to do with our beliefs about ourselves than with anything else.

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