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Dark GDK / Help with dbPickObject() function

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Joined: 3rd Dec 2013
Posted: 4th Dec 2013 21:49
I am attempting to use the dbPickObject() function uses the mouse as the pointer to kill zombies that come after you. Although, when I use this function it only recognizes if an object was clicked when it is really close to the camera in a 3d world.

void fireWeapon(int objectEnd)
int objectNumber;


I implement the function by


can someone help me use this function or if anyone has any better ideas?
The Tall Man
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Posted: 12th Dec 2013 23:39 Edited at: 12th Dec 2013 23:55
As a debugging piece of code, this will set whatever object you point to as a wireframe, and leave the rest.

Prior to your loop:

and within your loop:

Works for me... although the wireframes seem to not be showing correctly for scaled objects. But the dbPickObject() command seems to be working well in either case.

Edit: When you hide an object, the pick object command sees through it. So with your code there, it'll see it with one frame, then see whatever's behind it the next, and see what's behind that the next frame, etc.

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