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Geek Culture / 14 vs 15 inch screens

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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 10:11 Edited at: 11th Dec 2013 14:53
Planning on getting one of these soon, I want to avoid a 13 inch because I will be using this for work and even with an external monitor I want to be able to work for extended periods on the built in screen:

Both are basically the same, the 14 inch is about a pound less, while the 15 inch has options to add a graphics card, better screen, more memory, etc.

so does anyone get extended use out of smaller screens?
Van B
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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 10:53
I'd avoid the laptop altogether!

I'd be petrified of scratching that top screen, it'd be filthy constantly, just by carrying the thing around.

I just think there are better ways to flip between a tablet and a laptop than having a second screen. I like Sony Vaio's, but a lot of the ideas I think are really cool, turn out to be a pain in the butt later on. Like a delicate little hatch thing for a network cable, so neat, so well thought out, so much of a fricken nightmare when it inevitably breaks. They are the PC laptops version of Apple, that's for sure.

I am the one who knocks...
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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 14:51 Edited at: 11th Dec 2013 14:52
The screen is gorilla glass and the whole laptop body is aluminum. The screen hinge and build quality was very solid when I tried it out in store, you definitely get what you pay for, although the sturdiness does probably add weight.
easter bunny
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Posted: 12th Dec 2013 00:28 Edited at: 12th Dec 2013 00:32
I'd recommend searching long and hard to honest reviews about any PC that you plan to buy. I haven't seen that particular laptop myself though. If you know anyone with one, then just ask them about it

Here are some review that appear to be about that model (I didn't check too hard though)

edit: and to answer your question It all depends on what you need it for. If you want to do graphic design or programming, then you probably need a bigger screen. But if it's just for social networking, web browsing and that sort of thing ('normal' computer stuff) then you can probably get away with a smaller screen

DBPro Master
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Posted: 12th Dec 2013 22:21
Quote: "I'd be petrified of scratching that top screen, it'd be filthy constantly, just by carrying the thing around."

How's it any different than a tablet screen?

Van B
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Posted: 13th Dec 2013 09:22
Because it's always the front of a laptop that bares the brunt of it, like carrying it and walking into something, or dropping it down the stairs, they tend to flip forward most of the time... at least with a traditional laptop it's somewhat protected when closed. That lappy does appear to have a cover thing, I dunno, I think I just prefer the Dell XPS flip around screen, which will have it's own brand of problems I'm sure.

Just in the last 2 weeks I'm replacing my third laptop screen, first one got hit by a golf ball, second one got sat on, third one got slammed shut by a 14 stone toddler... people just don't look after stuff these days! - it's not like I run a laptop repair shop, that's just friends and family.

I am the one who knocks...
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Posted: 13th Dec 2013 17:04
Quote: " first one got hit by a golf ball, second one got sat on, third one got slammed shut by a 14 stone toddler"

Well you can hardly blame the laptop for those cases

Van B
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Posted: 13th Dec 2013 18:06
Nah, but the build quality on laptop screens has declined a lot in the last few years... to counter that, they're much easier to replace now too. I'm not saying that's the case with the laptop Epimetheus is looking at, of course, it's just always best to do a lot of research to see what issues other people have with it (if any).

I am the one who knocks...
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Posted: 14th Dec 2013 13:03
I'd say touch laptops are doing better now days because most have an aluminum back and gorilla glass front, they are built more like phones and tablets which can take a beating

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