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Dark GDK / Multisync and Dark gdk

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Joined: 7th Dec 2012
Location: United States
Posted: 23rd Dec 2013 06:53
Hello everyone, I have two questions about using multisync and dark gdk together. I have the newest version of both, and i am successfully sending messages between the client and server exe. The first question When I start the server and then start the exe it connects and even says the client has joined. to make sure it was sending I sent it back to the player an positioned a cube in the inverse of the x and z position. When the server first starts it reacts very fast and the cube moves almost instantly after a couple of seconds the reaction time starts to increase to almost nothing what is wrong with it. My other question how do you have more than one client connect to a server and so that you can see each other. I have looked at the examples but they are in dbpro and there are somethings I do not know how to convert to gdk here is my server and client code

//client code

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Server time is: 2024-07-27 08:35:03
Your offset time is: 2024-07-27 08:35:03