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Work in Progress / [WIP] orbit - a 2D timekiller

AGK Bronze Backer
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2013 18:02 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2016 18:27

orbit - alpha 1.1
AGK v108.19

Ever sat there at the computer, with lots of time on your hands, but with no good time wasting game to play?
Well fear not! For salvation is here!

orbit is a simple 2D game I've been making in my spare time, the aim of the game is to protect the "core"
(I know, very original) from enemies who are on a destructive orbit with the core in their sights. You
play as a small ball of energy, spaceship, whatever you want and your job is to smack into these giant balls
of death before they reach the core. The game gets progressively harder, when the enemies get faster and
close in on the core quicker and quicker.

Some alpha 1.1 screenshots
- Main menu

- The shop

- Ingame (showing off the new energy bar)

- Little bang

- Replenishing the energy bar

Main menu sprites
Enemy sprites
Player sprites
Animated buttons
Failure screen with stats and buttons
Animated explosions, enemies, player

Main menu system (Exit, help, clickable link to dev. site)
Simple stat. file
Player control
Difficulty increase (slighlty random)
Score + time system
Working game pause system
Random enemy speed and image
Enemy and core destruction

To do:
Random bonuses - 0%
Multiple enemies at the same time - 5%
"Shop" - buy new players/cores with earned score - 100%
Ads? -
Energy system (for speeding up the player) - 100%
Complete graphics revamp - 10%
Menu rewrite - 0%
Control optimization - 25%
Code cleanup - 0%

Future and Release
The game is being developed for an early 2014 release on Intel Appup and possibly through other means. It will be
completely free, no in app purchases ect. However, I am pondering over adding ads to the main menu in order to
possibly help fund a hosted web server which I could use for other projects that require databases and such. Although
that is something which definitely is not certain as of yet. The game is almost complete, the gameplay is smooth and
works, and I have even recorded 80% of the dev process and have plans to upload it to youtube as a timelapse just
for fun. You will find that video on the Release version of this post though. (Yet to be made )

Last points
Ok, so please dowload the game and test the crap out of it! Chew it up, break it apart, and tell me what happens!
If you find any bugs or think of any ways for me to improve the game, please do not hesitate to write here! I will
check back regularily, and if there is any interest I might post some updates, however, it might be more worth just
waiting for the release, which is not far off.

Newest Version
alpha 1.1 (1920x1080 fullscreen) (1280x720 windowed)

Older Versions
alpha 1.0 (1920x1080 fullscreen) (1280x720 windowed)

Change log
alpha 1.1
Implemented a working shop system (buy players)
Implemented energy bar and system (can only speedup/slowdown player a certain amount)
Added energy refill when the player touches the core
Fixed help screen bug
Fixed music loop bug
Updated team logo
Added some decorative animated sprites
Added a dev. "hack" - for testing
Added four different players with unique stats (hence the reason to buy them in shop)
General bug fixes and code cleanup


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Posted: 23rd Dec 2013 20:24
Reminds me of the entry from this year's Swedish Game Awards with the same name. Since you say you're from Sweden, you didn't have anything to do with that one, did you? Because if so I may know you (slightly) IRL

"Why do programmers get Halloween and Christmas mixed up?"
AGK Bronze Backer
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2013 21:49
Nope haha, didnt know that

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Posted: 24th Dec 2013 04:48
This is a great little game It's simple and extremely well polished - both the graphics and music were really attractive. the gameplay was fun, I have one criticism though - it is easy to just hold down the right arrow and spin around the planet endlessly protecting the sphere without actually doing anything. I didn't actually use this strategy since I wanted to play it for fun, but it takes away from the fun of the gameplay knowing that there is a foolproof strategy that doesn't take effort. I'm not sure what you could do to fix that - maybe create some type of energy meter that you use up when trying to speed up or slow down your orbit. That way you wouldnt be able to orbit endlessly fast and it would balance out the orbiting a little. Just an idea, I'm interested to see where you go with this!

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Posted: 24th Dec 2013 09:53 Edited at: 27th Dec 2013 16:47

Thanks! Im really glad that you like it! and you are totally right, the speeding up of the player is a little too op, I am definitely going to redo that aspect. And your idea about an energy meter sounds perfect! This would also give you a reason to "upgrade" your player with points, in order to have more energy to spend.


AGK Bronze Backer
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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 16:33 Edited at: 27th Dec 2013 16:46
Just updated the post, beta 1.1 now live! Big changes are the energybar (props to thenerd ) and shop system!

Check the post for the new download link. I will be updating the screenshots later on.

Change log
beta 1.1
Implemented a working shop system (buy players)
Implemented energy bar and system (can only speedup/slowdown player a certain amount)
Added energy refill when the player touches the core
Fixed help screen bug
Fixed music loop bug
Updated team logo
Added some decorative animated sprites
Added a dev. "hack" - for testing
Added four different players with unique stats (hence the reason to buy them in shop)
General bug fixes and code cleanup


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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 22:53
Got an error when running: "Subscript is out of bounds at line 46"

AGK Bronze Backer
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Posted: 28th Dec 2013 00:03
Hmmm... Which version did you download? The 1920 or 1280 version? Try deleting the AGK/orbit/media folder in your documents (it contains two files which will be replaced on restarting the game). If that doesnt work, delete the entire orbit folder in there and redownload it. I just tested the game from another computer and didn't get that error.

I got that exact error whilst coding, it was because the game's "" and "" files were set up wrong. So delete them and try again.


AGK Bronze Backer
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Posted: 29th Dec 2013 15:18
Yeah, I'm certain, you need to delete the files in MyDocs/AGK/Orbit/media and run it again, its because you have the old files from the previous version which are not structured the correct way.


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Posted: 30th Dec 2013 02:01
Yup, tried it and it works well the addition of the energy bar makes it a lot harder!

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