I've not had any issue like this. What version are you using?
Here's a snippet of my code that sets up my particles for an animation:
imgFile$ = "nutsnbolts.jet"
atlas = LoadImageEnc(imgFile$)
numParticles = 20
dim particles[numParticles]
for i = 1 to numParticles
rndSub = Random(1,6)
imgName$ = "nb" + str(rndSub) +".png"
img = LoadSubImage(atlas , imgName$)
particles[i] = CreateParticles(0 , -10)
p1 = particles[i]
SetParticlesAngle(p1 , 45)
rdmSize = Random(30 , 80)
r# = rdmSize / 10.0
SetParticlesVelocityRange(p1 , 0.9 , 1.1)
SetParticlesSize(p1 , r#)
SetParticlesDirection(p1 , 0 , particleYdir#)
SetParticlesImage(p1 , img)
SetParticlesPosition(p1 , 0 , particleY#)
SetParticlesStartZone(p1 , 40 , 0 , 60 , 0)
SetParticlesLife(p1 , 5)
SetParticlesMax(p1 , 50 / numParticles)
SetParticlesFrequency(p1 , 8)
SetParticlesActive(p1 , 0)
if iInitiator = 0
AddParticlesForce(p1 , 0.5 , 2 , 0 , 30)
AddParticlesForce(p1 , 2 , 3 , 0 , 40)
AddParticlesForce(p1 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 50)
SetParticlesDepth(p1 , TOPBAR_DEPTH + 5)
next i