Game Download updated..
Fixed: When the final score is shown, it says "Round 7/6" at the top. Now shows proper round number.
Fixed: the exit button now fades out and says thank you for playing target dice. same as when you selected 'N'o when asked if you wanted to play again.
Added: Music toggle button top right of screen, hit it to turn music off, or back on.
Edits: adjusted some of the timing and pauses in the game.
Still to come..
I'm going to change the end game to have you use the mouse to select Play again, or Quit, instead of pressing the Y or N keys. this will keep it more in line with the mouse input for everything else..
I'll also add either a visual or audio indicator that it's Players turn, or Computer's turn
and if you guys think of anything else that might help the game feel/play better, let me know.