Third version
The code now works as it should (yay) and allows one to place a textured panel at the desired X and Y-coordinates. The panel stays on this position when moving through a 3D-world.
I've read on the forums that the ZDepth of an object cannot be disabled currently, but that it is planned for AGKV2. I haven't had time to check Jimmanator's shader code, but it might be combined with mine to get the desired effect regardless. Also, please note that I'm using the actual width and height of the screen (not the virtual resolution) to set the coordinates. So when you compile this with setup.agc set to 1024x786 but use a different virtual resolution, the points need to be specified with the former in mind. Haven't had time to adjust this.
// test_HUD_3D
// test to see if a HUD can be made from planes, that have 0 z-depth in AGK
// Original DBPro-code by Cloggy:
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
// define variables
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
global CamFOV# as float
global HUDBaseX# as float
global HUDBaseY# as float
global ScreenX# as float
global ScreenY# as float
global ZDist# as float
global MaxHUDPanels as integer
type HUDobject
Obj as integer
PosX# as float
PosY# as float
Width as integer
Height as integer
Texture as integer
// ==========================================================================
// set the screen
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetOrientationAllowed(0, 0, 1, 1)
SetVirtualResolution(1024, 786)
SetScissor(0, 0, 0, 0)
// ==========================================================================
// set variables
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CamFOV# = 45
ScreenX# = GetDeviceWidth()
ScreenY# = GetDeviceHeight()
HUDBaseX# = 0 - ScreenX# / 2 ` variables needed to convert the coördinates of the HUD-objects to x and y coördinates on the screen
HUDBaseY# = ScreenY# / 2
ZDist# = ((ScreenY# / 2) / TAN(CamFOV# / 2)) * -1 ` distance from cam to make plane scale to exact pixel size (e.g. 10x10 plane takes up 10x 10 pixels on screen etc.)
MaxHUDPanels = 3
dim HUD[MaxHUDPanels] as HUDObject
// ==========================================================================
// load images and create HUD-elements
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
` LoadImage([nr], "[\path\filename]")
` LoadImage([nr], "[\path\filename]")
CreateHUD(1, 150, 200, 0, 0, 0) ` create three planes that will be used as hud-panels (texture is currently set to 0, so none is loaded)
CreateHUD(2, 100, 100, 200, 200, 0)
CreateHUD(3, 150, 200, 600, 400, 0)
// ==========================================================================
// main program loop
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// display some information
print ("FPS : " + str(screenfps()))
print ("Camera PosX: " + str(GetCameraX(1)))
print ("Camera PosY: " + str(GetCameraY(1)))
print ("Camera PosZ: " + str(GetCameraZ(1)))
print ("Camera AngX: " + str(GetCameraAngleX(1)))
print ("Camera AngY: " + str(GetCameraAngleY(1)))
print ("Camera AngZ: " + str(GetCameraAngleZ(1)))
print("Zdist# : " + str(ZDist#))
for Id = 1 to MaxHUDPanels
print("Panel " + str(Id) + ": PosX: " + str(Hud[Id].PosX#) + ", PosY: " + str(Hud[Id].PosY#))
next Id
// check user input
// update planes
UpdateHUD() ` Update the hud postion relative to the screen position
// ==========================================================================
// create HUD panel
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function CreateHUD(Id, Width, Height, PosX#, PosY#, Tex)
HUD[Id].Width = Width
HUD[Id].Height = Height
HUD[Id].PosX# = PosX#
HUD[Id].PosY# = PosY#
HUD[Id].Texture = Tex
HUD[Id].Obj = CreateObjectPlane(HUD[Id].Width, HUD[Id].Height)
SetObjectDepthReadMode(Hud[Id].Obj, 8) ` make sure the object always passes the depth test and thus is visuble
SetObjectColor(HUD[Id].Obj, Random(0, 255), Random(0, 255), Random(0, 255), 255) ` this colors the plane and is purely for testing-purposes
if Tex > 0
if GetImageExists(Tex) = 1 then SetObjectImage(Hud[Id].Obj, Tex, 0) ` these lines will texture the plain if an image is loaded
// ==========================================================================
// place HUD on screen in actual x and y screen positions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function UpdateHUD() ` place the hud objects on screen in actual screen x and y positions
for Id = 1 to MaxHUDPanels
if GetObjectExists(Hud[Id].Obj) = 1 then HudPosition(Hud[Id].Obj, Hud[Id].PosX#, HUD[Id].PosY#, HUD[Id].Width, HUD[Id].Height)
next Id
// ==========================================================================
// position HUD panel
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function HudPosition(Obj, PosX#, PosY#, Width, Height) ` obj = plane nr., x & y = screen pos., height & width = obj. height + width)
CurCamX# = GetCameraX(1)
CurCamY# = GetCameraY(1)
CurCamZ# = GetCameraZ(1)
CamAngX# = GetCameraAngleX(1)
CamAngY# = GetCameraAngleY(1)
CamAngZ# = GetCameraAngleZ(1)
SetObjectPosition(Obj, CurCamX#, CurCamY#, CurCamZ#) ` Place object at camera position
SetObjectLookat(Obj, CurCamX#, CurCamY#, CurCamZ#, 0) ` Set set object to face the camera
SetObjectRotation(Obj, -CamAngX#, WrapValue(CamAngY# + 180), CamAngZ#) ` Rotate plane so it's flat side faces the camera
MoveObjectLocalZ(Obj, ZDist#)
MoveObjectLocalX(Obj, -(HUDBaseX# + PosX# + (Width /2)))
MoveObjectLocalY(Obj, HUDBaseY# - PosY# - (Height /2))
` Handle input from user
function HandleCamera()
key = GetRawLastKey()
if GetRawKeyState(key) = 1
select key
// left cursor, turn camera left
case 37:
// right arrow, turn camera right
case 39:
// up arrow, tilt camera up
case 38:
if GetCameraAngleX(1) > -30
// down arrow, tilt camera down
case 40:
if GetCameraAngleX(1) < 30
// W, move camera forward
case 87:
// S, move camera back
case 83:
` Calculate the wrap-around value of an angle
function WrapValue(Angle#)
If Angle# < 0.0 then Angle# = 360.0 + Angle#
If Angle# > 360.0 then Angle# = Angle# - 360.0
endfunction Angle#