I'm using Visual Studio 2008, AppGameKit 108.21, Tier 2;
Every time I update AppGameKit, I get compiler errors. So what I do is comment out the complaining lines of code:
// delay the loading of these functions so Windows XP and Vista don't complain
//int (__stdcall *CloseTouchInputHandleDelayed)( HTOUCHINPUT ) = 0;
//int (__stdcall *GetTouchInputInfoDelayed)( HTOUCHINPUT, unsigned int, PTOUCHINPUT, int ) = 0;
//BOOL (__stdcall *RegisterTouchWindowDelay)(HWND, ULONG) = 0;
//void LoadDelayedFunctions()
// // only checks once
// static int first = 1;
// if ( first == 1 )
// {
// first = 0;
// HMODULE user32 = LoadLibrary( "USER32.dll" );
// CloseTouchInputHandleDelayed = (int(__stdcall *)(HTOUCHINPUT)) GetProcAddress( user32, "CloseTouchInputHandle" );
// GetTouchInputInfoDelayed = (int(__stdcall *)(HTOUCHINPUT, unsigned int, PTOUCHINPUT, int)) GetProcAddress( user32, "GetTouchInputInfo" );
// RegisterTouchWindowDelay = (BOOL(__stdcall *)(HWND, ULONG)) GetProcAddress( user32, "RegisterTouchWindow" );
// FreeLibrary( user32 );
// }
//if ( RegisterTouchWindowDelay ) RegisterTouchWindowDelay(hWnd,TWF_WANTPALM);
When I do, I'm able to compile just fine.
I'm asking because I just want to make sure I'm not overlooking something. I'm not doing any development with windows phones or tablets, so I figure I'm safe to comment out those lines.
Just thought I'll ask...
After looking over things, that core file relates to the windows template not the android template. There are two different core files.