I didn't want to hijack Clonkex's thread, and my
previous thread is too old to post anymore.
I've added a list of new commands, mostly just basic access commands that Clonkex had. If you need Tiled's property object, you'll need to keep using his version, for now. The major changes in mine are support for all encoding types; xml, csv, base64(uncompressed). Compression is still a little ways off, and even I did manage to write it, I'm not sure how fast it would be in Tier 1.
Object layers and objects are now supported.
Supports encoding: xml, csv, base64(uncompressed)
Supported map types: orthogonal, isometric, staggered isometric
Supports tileset images which use margin/spacing
Supports image layers
Layer alpha and visibility
Set the map viewport area (Define area of screen where map can only be visible)
Supports tile flipping
Support for TSX tilesets (external tileset xml)
Compression (gzip, zlib)
Updated March 14, 2014
// Title: TMX Loader
// Author: Phaelax
// Date: May 6, 2013
// Commands:
// void = tmx_Init()
// void = tmx_LoadMap(string filename)
// void = tmx_DeleteMap()
// void = tmx_DrawGridTile(int tileIndex, int red, int green, int blue)
// void = tmx_SetMapPosition(float x, float y)
// void = tmx_SetMapVisible(boolean)
// void = tmx_SetLayerVisible(bool)
// void = tmx_SetLayerAlpha(int layer, int value)
// int = tmx_GetLayerAlpha(int layer)
// int = tmx_GetLayerVisible(int layer)
// void = tmx_SetViewport(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
// int = tmx_GetTileIndex(int layer, int worldX, int worldY)
// int = tmx_GetTileSpriteId(int layer, x, y)
// int = tmx_PickScreenTileImageFrame(int layer, x, y)
// int = tmx_GetMapWidth()
// int = tmx_GetMapHeight()
// int = tmx_GetMapTileWidth()
// int = tmx_GetMapTileHeight()
// float = tmx_GetMapPositionX()
// float = tmx_GetMapPositionY()
// int = tmx_GetLayerTotal()
// String = tmx_GetTilesetName(int tilesetId)
// String = tmx_GetTilesetImageSource(id tilesetId)
// int = tmx_GetTileWorldX(int tileIndex)
// int = tmx_GetTileWorldY(int tileIndex)
// int = tmx_GetTileX(int tileIndex)
// int = tmx_GetTileY(int tileIndex)
// int = tmx_PickScreenTileSpriteId(int x, int y)
// void = tmx_SetObjectVisible(int objectId, bool)
// int = tmx_GetObjectSprite(int objectId)
// void = tmx_SetObjectPosition(int objectId, float x, float y)
// float = tmx_GetObjectPositionX(int objectId)
// float = tmx_GetObjectPositionY(int objectId)
// int = tmx_PickScreenTileAbsoluteId(int layer, int x, int y)
// int = tmx_PickScreenTileLocalId(int layer, int x, int y)
// int = tmx_GetTileLocalId(tileIndex)
// int = tmx_GetTileLayerId(tileIndex)
// void = tmx_UpdateMap()
// Update: Feb 27, 2014
// - Added base64 encoding support
// - Added support for layer opacity and visible attributes
// - Added support for tileset attributes spacing and margin
// - Added support for horizontal/vertical tile flipping
// - Changed tmx_SetMapPosition() to use floats instead of integers
// - Added commands: tmx_SetViewport(), tmx_SetLayerVisible(), tmx_SetLayerAlpha()
// tmx_GetTileSpriteId(), tmx_GetTileImageFrame(), tmx_GetMapWidth(),
// tmx_GetMapHeight(), tmx_GetMapTileWidth(), tmx_GetMapTileHeight(),
// tmx_GetMapPositionX(), tmx_GetMapPositionY(), tmx_GetTilesetName(),
// tmx_GetTilesetImageSource(), tmx_GetLayerTotal(), tmx_GetTileWorldX(),
// tmx_GetTileWorldY(), tmx_GetTileX(), tmx_GetTileY()
// - TMX_Tilesets[] array is no longer a fixed size and will increase as needed.
// Update: Feb 28, 2014
// - Added CSV encoding support
// Update: March 2, 2014
// - Added support for image layers.
// - Added tmx_GetAbsoluteTileSpriteId()
// - Fixed bug with layer depth
// - Tileset images and image layers now loaded outside of tmx_LoadMap() function
// - Added commands: tmx_GetLayerVisible(), tmx_GetLayerAlpha()
// Update: March 2, 2014
// - Added support for object layers and objects
// - Added tmx_SetObjectVisible(), tmx_GetObjectSprite(), tmx_SetObjectPosition(),
// tmx_GetObjectPositionX(), tmx_GetObjectPositionY(), tmx_UpdateMap()
// - Not all objects have sprites associated with them. To see the physical boundaries of these
// objects you must call tmx_UpdateMap() in your game loop.
// - Map position now resets back to [0,0] after new map is loaded
// Update: March 12, 2014
// - Fixed a bug in tmx_GetTileSpriteId()
// - Sprites are no longer created for tiles that have a GID value of 0
// Update: March 13, 2014
// - Fixed bug in layer visiblility functions
// Update: March 14, 2014
// - Bug fixes
// - Renamed tmx_GetAbsoluteTileSpriteId() to tmx_PickScreenTileSpriteId()
// - Renamed tmx_GetTileImageFrame() to tmx_PickScreenTileImageFrame()
// - Added tmx_PickScreenTileAbsoluteId(), tmx_PickScreenTileLocalId(), tmx_GetTileLocalId()
// tmx_GetTileLayerId()
#include "base64.agc"
Type TMX_Map_Data_Properties
mapWidth as integer
mapHeight as integer
pixelMapWidth as integer
pixelMapHeight as integer
tileWidth as integer
tileHeight as integer
orientation as integer
tileWidth2 as integer
tileHeight2 as integer
offsetX as float
offsetY as float
bgColor as integer
Type TMX_Tile
tilesetIndex as integer
sprite as integer
gid as integer
flipHorizontal as integer
flipVertical as integer
flipDiagonal as integer
Type TMX_Tileset
firstGid as integer
lastGid as integer
tileWidth as integer
tileHeight as integer
name as string
imgWidth as integer
imgHeight as integer
source as string
sprite as integer
offsetX as integer
offsetY as integer
spacing as integer
margin as integer
Type TMX_ImageLayer
source as string
sprite as integer
Type TMX_Layer
name as string
x as integer ` Deprecated
y as integer ` Deprecated
width as integer ` Deprecated
height as integer ` Deprecated
alpha as integer
visible as integer
imageLayer as TMX_ImageLayer
layerType as integer
color as integer
Type TMX_Object
name as string
oType as string
x as float
y as float
width as integer
height as integer
rotation as float
gid as integer
visible as integer
tilesetIndex as integer
sprite as integer
layerId as integer
// Initializes the TMX engine variables
function tmx_Init()
Global TMX_Map as TMX_Map_Data_Properties
Global _TMX_TilesetCount = 0
Global _TMX_LayerCount = 0
Global _TMX_ObjectCount = 0
global fileCount = 0
dim TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount] as TMX_Tileset
dim TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount] as TMX_Layer
// Draws an outline around tile 't'
function tmx_DrawGridTile(t, r, g, b)
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_ORTHO then t = tmx_DrawOrthoGridTile(t, r, g, b)
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_ISO then t = tmx_DrawIsoGridTile(t, r, g, b)
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_STAG then t = tmx_DrawStagGridTile(t, r, g, b)
endfunction t
function tmx_DrawOrthoGridTile(t, r, g, b)
t = t - 1
ty = floor(t / TMX_Map.mapWidth)
tx = t - ty*TMX_Map.mapWidth
x = tx*TMX_Map.tileWidth + TMX_Map.offsetX
y = ty*TMX_Map.tileHeight + TMX_Map.offsetY
drawLine(x, y, x+TMX_Map.tileWidth, y, r,g,b)
drawLine(x, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, x+TMX_Map.tileWidth, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, r,g,b)
drawLine(x, y, x, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, r,g,b)
drawLine(x+TMX_Map.tileWidth, y, x+TMX_Map.tileWidth, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, r,g,b)
endfunction t
function tmx_DrawIsoGridTile(t, r, g, b)
t = t - 1
ty = floor(t / TMX_Map.mapWidth)
tx = t - ty*TMX_Map.mapWidth
tw = TMX_Map.tileWidth / 2
th = TMX_Map.tileHeight / 2
x = (tx-ty-1)*tw + TMX_Map.offsetX
y = (tx+ty-1)*th + TMX_Map.offsetY
drawLine(x, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, x+tw, y+th, r,g,b)
drawLine(x+TMX_Map.tileWidth, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, x+tw, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight+th, r,g,b)
drawLine(x+tw, y+th, x+TMX_Map.tileWidth, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, r,g,b)
drawLine(x, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, x+tw, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight+th, r,g,b)
endfunction t
function tmx_DrawStagGridTile(t, r, g, b)
t = t - 1
ty = floor(t / TMX_Map.mapWidth)
tx = t - ty*TMX_Map.mapWidth
tw = TMX_Map.tileWidth / 2
th = TMX_Map.tileHeight / 2
if ty mod 2 = 1 then shiftX = tw
x = tx*TMX_Map.tileWidth + shiftX + TMX_Map.offsetX
y = ty*th + TMX_Map.offsetY
drawLine(x, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, x+tw, y+th, r,g,b)
drawLine(x+TMX_Map.tileWidth, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, x+tw, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight+th, r,g,b)
drawLine(x+tw, y+th, x+TMX_Map.tileWidth, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, r,g,b)
drawLine(x, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight, x+tw, y+TMX_Map.tileHeight+th, r,g,b)
endfunction t
// Returns the tile number under screen coordinates
// [x,y] in relation to the specified layer number
// This is an absolute tile ID, meaning it is unique
// to that tile on that layer. A tile at [12,4]
// will have the same "local" index on all layers,
// but have a different id globally for each layer.
// Optionally, you can specify 0 for the layer and
// it will return the tile ID for the top most
// visible layer, regardless of layer type or if a
// sprite is even present at that layer.
function tmx_PickScreenTileAbsoluteId(layer, x, y)
if x >= TMX_Map.offsetX and x <= TMX_Map.offsetX + TMX_Map.pixelMapWidth
if y >= TMX_Map.offsetY and y <= TMX_Map.offsetY + TMX_Map.pixelMapHeight
x = x - TMX_Map.offsetX
y = y - TMX_Map.offsetY
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_ORTHO then t = tmx_GetOrthoTile(x, y)
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_ISO then t = tmx_GetIsoTile(x, y)
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_STAG then t = tmx_GetStagTile(x, y)
if layer = 0
for layer = tmx_GetLayerTotal() to 1 step -1
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].visible = 1 then exit
next layer
t = t + (layer-1) * TMX_Map.mapWidth*TMX_Map.mapHeight
exitfunction t
endfunction 0
// Returns the tile number under screen coordinates
// [x,y] in relation to the specified layer number.
// Returns a local tile ID, meaning the tile ID
// returned at [x,y] is the same for any layer.
function tmx_PickScreenTileLocalId(layer, x, y)
t = tmx_PickScreenTileAbsoluteId(layer, x, y)
t = tmx_GetTileLocalId(t)
endfunction t
// Returns the sprite ID at screen coordinates [x,y]
// of the specified layer id. If layer ID is
// specified, it disregards the layer's current
// visibility state. If layer is 0, it will
// return the top most visible sprite, ignoring
// layers which are not currently visible.
// If the layer is an image layer, it will only
// return the sprite ID if [x,y] falls on top of it.
function tmx_PickScreenTileSpriteId(layer, x, y)
if layer > 0
s = tmx_GetTileSpriteIdFromPoint(layer, x, y)
for layer = tmx_GetLayerTotal() to 1 step -1
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].visible = 1
s = tmx_GetTileSpriteIdFromPoint(layer, x, y)
if s > 0 then exitfunction s
next layer
endfunction s
// Returns the sprite associated with this absolute
// tile ID. If tileID belongs to a layer that is an
// Image Layer, then that sprite will be returned
// despite what the local tile id coordinates are.
function tmx_GetTileSpriteId(tileId)
layer = tmx_GetTileLayerId(tileId)
tile = tmx_GetTileLocalId(tileId)
s = 0
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE then s = TMX_Map[layer, tile].sprite
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE then s = TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite
endfunction s
// Returns the sprite ID associated with the tile
// Requires a valid layer ID. This function is
// designed to be used in this library internally
// by tmx_PickScreenTileSpriteId()
function tmx_GetTileSpriteIdFromPoint(layer, x, y)
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE
t = tmx_PickScreenTileLocalId(layer, x, y)
s = TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite
exitfunction s
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE
s = TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite
sx = getSpriteX(s)
sy = getSpriteY(s)
w = getSpriteWidth(s)
h = getSpriteHeight(s)
if x >= sx and x <= sx+w and y >= sy and y <= sy+h then exitfunction s
endfunction 0
// Returns the sprite's animation frame
function tmx_PickScreenTileImageFrame(layer, x, y)
s = tmx_PickScreenTileSpriteId(layer, x, y)
f = getSpriteCurrentFrame(s)
endfunction f
function tmx_GetTileLayerId(tileIndex)
L = (tileIndex-1) / (TMX_Map.mapWidth * TMX_Map.mapHeight) + 1
endfunction L
function tmx_GetTileLocalId(tileIndex)
L = (tileIndex-1) %% (TMX_Map.mapWidth * TMX_Map.mapHeight) + 1
endfunction L
function tmx_GetOrthoTile(x, y)
tx = x / TMX_Map.tileWidth
ty = y / TMX_Map.tileHeight
t = tx + ty*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
endfunction t
function tmx_GetIsoTile(x, y)
a = TMX_Map.tileWidth*y
b = TMX_Map.tileHeight*x
c = TMX_Map.tileWidth*TMX_Map.tileHeight
tx = (a + b) / c
ty = (a - b) / c
t = tx + ty*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
endfunction t
function tmx_GetStagTile(x, y)
th = TMX_Map.tileHeight/2
dec y, th
ratio# = TMX_Map.tileHeight / (tmx_Map.tileWidth+0.0)
// Coordinates of grid-aligned tile
tx = floor(x / TMX_Map.tileWidth)
ty = floor(y / TMX_Map.tileHeight) * 2
// relative position of the base square of the grid-aligned tile
rx# = x - tx * TMX_Map.tileWidth
ry# = y - (ty / 2) * TMX_Map.tileHeight
if th - rx#*ratio# > ry#
if ty mod 2
dec ty
dec tx : dec ty
if -th + rx#*ratio# > ry#
if ty mod 2
inc tx : dec ty
dec ty
if th + rx#*ratio# < ry#
if ty mod 2
inc ty
dec tx : inc ty
if th*3 - rx#*ratio# < ry#
if ty mod 2
inc tx : inc ty
inc ty
t = tx + ty*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
endfunction t
// Position the map in world space
function tmx_SetMapPosition(ox, oy)
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_ORTHO then tmx_PositionOrthoMap(ox, oy)
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_ISO then tmx_PositionIsoMap(ox, oy)
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_STAG then tmx_PositionStagMap(ox, oy)
TMX_Map.offsetX = ox
TMX_Map.offsetY = oy
for i = 1 to _TMX_ObjectCount
if TMX_Objects[i].gid > 0
setSpritePosition(TMX_Objects[i].sprite, TMX_Objects[i].x+ox, TMX_Objects[i].y+oy)
next i
// Positions an object relative to the map
function tmx_SetObjectPosition(objectId, x, y)
TMX_Objects[objectId].x = x
TMX_Objects[objectId].y = y
if TMX_Objects[objectId].gid > 0 then setSpritePosition(TMX_Objects[objectId].sprite, x+TMX_Map.offsetX, y+TMX_Map.offsetY)
function tmx_GetObjectPositionX(objectId)
x = TMX_Objects[objectId].x
endfunction x
function tmx_GetObjectPositionY(objectId)
y = TMX_Objects[objectId].y
endfunction y
// Position the map in world space using an
// orthogonal layout
function tmx_PositionOrthoMap(ox, oy)
for layer = 1 to tmx_GetLayerTotal()
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE
for y = 0 to TMX_Map.mapHeight-1
for x = 0 to TMX_Map.mapWidth-1
t = x + y*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
if TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex > 0
tx = x*TMX_Map.tileWidth
ty = y*TMX_Map.tileHeight
sx = tx + ox + TMX_Tilesets[TMX_Map[layer, t].tilesetIndex].offsetX
sy = ty + oy + TMX_Tilesets[TMX_Map[layer, t].tilesetIndex].offsetY
setSpritePosition(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, sx, sy)
next x
next y
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE then setSpritePosition(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, ox, oy)
next layer
// Position the map in world space using an
// isometric layout
function tmx_PositionIsoMap(ox, oy)
tw = TMX_Map.tileWidth / 2
th = TMX_Map.tileHeight / 2
for layer = 1 to tmx_GetLayerTotal()
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE
for y = 0 to TMX_Map.mapHeight-1
for x = 0 to TMX_Map.mapWidth-1
t = x + y*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
if TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex > 0
tx = (x-y-1)*tw
ty = (x+y-1)*th
setSpritePosition(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, tx+ox, ty+oy)
next x
next y
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE then setSpritePosition(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, ox, oy)
next layer
// Position the map in world space using an
// isometric staggered layout
function tmx_PositionStagMap(ox, oy)
tw = TMX_Map.tileWidth / 2
th = TMX_Map.tileHeight / 2
for layer = 1 to tmx_GetLayerTotal()
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE
for y = 0 to TMX_Map.mapHeight-1
shiftX = 0
if y mod 2 = 1 then shiftX = tw
for x = 0 to TMX_Map.mapWidth-1
t = x + y*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
if TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex > 0
tx = x*TMX_Map.tileWidth + shiftX
ty = y*th
setSpritePosition(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, tx+ox, ty+oy)
next x
next y
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE then setSpritePosition(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, ox, oy)
next layer
// Sets the map's visibility ON or OFF
function tmx_SetMapVisible(bool)
for layer = 1 to tmx_GetLayerTotal()
tmx_SetLayerVisible(layer, bool)
next layer
// Sets a map layer's visibility ON or OFF
function tmx_SetLayerVisible(layer, bool)
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite > 0 then setSpriteVisible(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, bool)
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_OBJECT
TMX_Map_Layers[layer].visible = bool
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE
TMX_Map_Layers[layer].visible = bool
for y = 0 to TMX_Map.mapHeight-1
for x = 0 to TMX_Map.mapWidth-1
t = x + y*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
if TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex > 0 then setSpriteVisible(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, bool)
next x
next y
for i = 1 to _TMX_ObjectCount
if TMX_Objects[i].layerId = layer
if TMX_Objects[i].gid > 0
setSpriteVisible(TMX_Objects[i].sprite, bool)
TMX_Objects[i].visible = bool
next i
// Creates sprites and lays out the map layers
// for an orthogonal map
function tmx_SetObjectVisible(objectId, bool)
TMX_Objects[objectId].visible = bool
if TMX_Objects[objectId].gid > 0 then setSpriteVisible(TMX_Objects[objectId].sprite, bool)
// Creates sprites and lays out the map layers
// for an orthogonal map
function tmx_SetLayerAlpha(layer, value)
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite > 0 then setSpriteColorAlpha(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, value)
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_OBJECT
TMX_Map_Layers[layer].alpha = value
for y = 0 to TMX_Map.mapHeight-1
for x = 0 to TMX_Map.mapWidth-1
t = x + y*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
if TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex > 0 then setSpriteColorAlpha(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, value)
next x
next y
for i = 1 to _TMX_ObjectCount
if TMX_Objects[i].gid > 0 and TMX_Objects[i].layerId = layer
setSpriteColorAlpha(TMX_Objects[i].sprite, value)
next i
// Loades tileset images
function tmx_LoadTilesets()
for i = 1 to _TMX_TilesetCount
if TMX_Tilesets[i].spacing > 0 or TMX_Tilesets[i].margin > 0
img = getTrimmedImage(TMX_Tilesets[i].source, TMX_Tilesets[i].tileWidth, TMX_Tilesets[i].tileHeight, TMX_Tilesets[i].margin, TMX_Tilesets[i].spacing)
imgWidth = TMX_Tilesets[i].imgWidth
imgHeight = TMX_Tilesets[i].imgHeight
img = loadImage(TMX_Tilesets[i].source)
TMX_Tilesets[i].lastGid = floor(TMX_Tilesets[i].imgWidth / (TMX_Tilesets[i].tileWidth+0.0)) * floor(TMX_Tilesets[i].imgHeight / (TMX_Tilesets[i].tileHeight+0.0)) + TMX_Tilesets[i].firstGid - 1
TMX_Tilesets[i].sprite = createSprite(img)
tileCount = (TMX_Tilesets[i].imgWidth / TMX_Tilesets[i].tileWidth) * (TMX_Tilesets[i].imgHeight / TMX_Tilesets[i].tileHeight)
setSpriteAnimation(TMX_Tilesets[i].sprite, TMX_Tilesets[i].tileWidth, TMX_Tilesets[i].tileHeight, tileCount)
setSpriteVisible(TMX_Tilesets[i].sprite, 0)
next i
// Creates sprites and lays out the map layers
// for an orthogonal map
function tmx_BuildOrthogonalMap()
for layer = 1 to tmx_GetLayerTotal()
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE
for y = 0 to TMX_Map.mapHeight-1
for x = 0 to TMX_Map.mapWidth-1
t = x + y*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite = 0
if TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex > 0 and TMX_Map[layer,t].gid > 0
TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite = cloneSprite(TMX_Tilesets[TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex].sprite)
tx = x*TMX_Map.tileWidth
ty = y*TMX_Map.tileHeight
setSpritePosition(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, tx, ty)
setSpriteColorAlpha(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map_Layers[layer].alpha)
setSpriteDepth(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, 10-layer)
setSpriteFrame(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map[layer, t].gid)
setSpriteVisible(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map_Layers[layer].visible)
setSpriteFlip(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map[layer, t].flipHorizontal, TMX_Map[layer, t].FlipVertical)
next x
next y
elseif TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.source <> ""
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].imageLayer.sprite = createSprite(loadImage(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.source))
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite > 0
setSpriteColorAlpha(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, TMX_Map_Layers[layer].alpha)
setSpriteDepth(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, 10-layer)
elseif TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_OBJECT
// do nothing
next layer
// Creates sprites and lays out the map layers
// for an orthogonal map
function tmx_BuildIsometricMap()
depth = (TMX_Map.mapWidth * TMX_Map.mapHeight) * tmx_GetLayerTotal() + 100
tw = TMX_Map.tileWidth / 2
th = TMX_Map.tileHeight / 2
for layer = 1 to tmx_GetLayerTotal()
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE
depth = (TMX_Map.mapWidth * TMX_Map.mapHeight) + 100
for y = 0 to TMX_Map.mapHeight-1
for x = 0 to TMX_Map.mapWidth-1
t = x + y*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
if TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex > 0 and TMX_Map[layer,t].gid > 0
TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite = cloneSprite(TMX_Tilesets[TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex].sprite)
tx = (x-y-1)*tw
ty = (x+y-1)*th
setSpritePosition(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, tx, ty)
setSpriteColorAlpha(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map_Layers[layer].alpha)
setSpriteDepth(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, depth)
setSpriteFrame(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map[layer, t].gid)
setSpriteVisible(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map_Layers[layer].visible)
setSpriteFlip(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map[layer, t].flipHorizontal, TMX_Map[layer, t].FlipVertical)
TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite = 0
dec depth
next x
next y
// Image layers are not tiled and simply display a single image
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.source <> ""
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].imageLayer.sprite = createSprite(loadImage(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.source))
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite > 0
setSpriteColorAlpha(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, TMX_Map_Layers[layer].alpha)
setSpriteDepth(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, depth)
next layer
// Creates sprites and lays out the map layers
// for an orthogonal map
function tmx_BuildStaggeredMap()
tw = TMX_Map.tileWidth / 2
th = TMX_Map.tileHeight / 2
for layer = 1 to tmx_GetLayerTotal()
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE
for y = 0 to TMX_Map.mapHeight-1
shiftX = 0
if y mod 2 = 1 then shiftX = tw
for x = 0 to TMX_Map.mapWidth-1
t = x + y*TMX_Map.mapWidth + 1
if TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex > 0 and TMX_Map[layer,t].gid > 0
TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite = cloneSprite(TMX_Tilesets[TMX_Map[layer,t].tilesetIndex].sprite)
tx = x*TMX_Map.tileWidth + shiftX
ty = y*th
setSpritePosition(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, tx, ty)
setSpriteColorAlpha(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map_Layers[layer].alpha)
setSpriteDepth(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, 10+j)
setSpriteFrame(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map[layer, t].gid)
setSpriteVisible(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map_Layers[layer].visible)
setSpriteFlip(TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite, TMX_Map[layer, t].flipHorizontal, TMX_Map[layer, t].FlipVertical)
TMX_Map[layer, t].sprite = 0
next x
next y
// Image layers are not tiled and simply display a single image
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.source <> ""
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].imageLayer.sprite = createSprite(loadImage(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.source))
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite > 0
setSpriteColorAlpha(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, TMX_Map_Layers[layer].alpha)
setSpriteDepth(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite, depth)
next layer
// Finds which tileset this gid belongs to
function tmx_GetTilesetIndex(gid)
for i = 1 to _TMX_TilesetCount
if gid >= TMX_Tilesets[i].firstGid and gid <= TMX_Tilesets[i].lastGid then exitfunction i
next i
endfunction 0
// Load an XML-based TMX map file
function tmx_LoadMap(file$)
`f2 = openToWrite("thing.txt")
F = openToRead(file$)
layerId = 0
s$ = xml_StripLeadingSpaces$(readline(F))
tag$ = xml_GetTagName$(s$)
if tag$ = "map"
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
orientation$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "orientation")
TMX_Map.mapWidth = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "width"))
TMX_Map.mapHeight = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "height"))
TMX_Map.tileWidth = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "tilewidth"))
TMX_Map.tileHeight = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "tileheight"))
TMX_Map.pixelMapWidth = TMX_Map.mapWidth * TMX_Map.tileWidth
TMX_Map.pixelMapHeight = TMX_Map.mapHeight * TMX_Map.tileHeight
TMX_Map.bgColor = val(mid(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "backgroundcolor"), 2, 6), 16)
if orientation$ = "orthogonal" then TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_ORTHO
if orientation$ = "isometric" then TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_ISO
if orientation$ = "staggered" then TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_STAG
// Create a map with a max of 5 layers
dim TMX_Map[5, TMX_Map.mapWidth*TMX_Map.mapHeight] as TMX_Tile
// New tileset detected
if tag$ = "tileset"
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
inc _TMX_TilesetCount
dim TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount] as TMX_Tileset
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].firstGid = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "firstgid"))
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].tileWidth = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "tilewidth"))
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].tileHeight = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "tileheight"))
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].name = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "name")
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].spacing = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "spacing"))
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].margin = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "margin"))
// Tileset pixel offset
if tag$ = "tileoffset"
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].offsetX = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "x"))
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].offsetY = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "y"))
// Image detected, load it and set its animation to make up the tiles
if tag$ = "image"
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].source = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "source")
imgWidth = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "width"))
imgHeight = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "height"))
if TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].spacing > 0 or TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].margin > 0
tileCountX = (TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].imgWidth - TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].margin) / (TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].tileWidth + TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].spacing)
tileCountY = (TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].imgHeight - TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].margin) / (TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].tileHeight + TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].spacing)
imgWidth = TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].tileWidth * tileCountX
imgHeight = TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].tileHeight * tileCountY
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].imgWidth = imgWidth
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].imgHeight = imgHeight
TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].lastGid = floor(TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].imgWidth / (TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].tileWidth+0.0)) * floor(TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].imgHeight / (TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].tileHeight+0.0)) + TMX_Tilesets[_TMX_TilesetCount].firstGid - 1
// New layer detected
if tag$ = "layer"
inc _TMX_LayerCount
dim TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount] as TMX_LAYER
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE
tileNumber = 0
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
opacity$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "opacity")
isVisible$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "visible")
width$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "width")
height$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "height")
// Layer's name
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].name = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "name")
// Layer's offset position
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].x = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "x"))
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].y = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "y"))
// If opacity not set, default to 255
if opacity$ = "" then opacity$ = "1"
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].alpha = val(opacity$) * 255
// If visible not set, default to true
if isVisible$ = "" : TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].visible = 1 : else : TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].visible = val(isVisible$) : endif
// If width or height are not set, default to map dimensions
if width$ = "" : TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].width = TMX_Map.mapWidth : else : TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].width = val(width$) : endif
if height$ = "" : TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].height = TMX_Map.mapHeight : else : TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].height = val(height$) : endif
// An object group is really just another map layer
if tag$ = "objectgroup"
inc _TMX_LayerCount
dim TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount] as TMX_LAYER
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].layerType = TMX_LAYER_OBJECT
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].imageLayer.source = ""
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
opacity$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "opacity")
isVisible$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "visible")
// Layer's name
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].name = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "name")
// Color to display objects in this group
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].color = val(mid(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "color"), 2, 6), 16)
// Layer's offset position
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].x = 0
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].y = 0
// If opacity not set, default to 255
if opacity$ = "" then opacity$ = "1"
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].alpha = val(opacity$) * 255
// If visible not set, default to true
if isVisible$ = "" : TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].visible = 1 : else : TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].visible = val(isVisible$) : endif
while tag$ <> "/objectgroup"
s$ = xml_StripLeadingSpaces$(readline(F))
tag$ = xml_GetTagName$(s$)
if tag$ = "object"
inc _TMX_ObjectCount
dim TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount] as TMX_OBJECT
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].name = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "name")
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].oType = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "type")
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].x = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "x"))
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].y = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "y"))
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].width = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "width"))
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].height = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "height"))
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].rotation = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "rotation"))
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].gid = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "gid"))
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].layerId = _TMX_LayerCount
// If visible not set, default to the parent value
isVisible$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "visible")
if isVisible$ = "" : TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].visible = TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].visible : else : TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].visible = val(isVisible$) : endif
if TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].gid > 0
tsi = tmx_GetTilesetIndex(TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].gid)
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].gid = TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].gid - TMX_Tilesets[tsi].firstGid + 1
TMX_Objects[_TMX_ObjectCount].tilesetIndex = tsi
// New image layer
if tag$ = "imagelayer"
inc _TMX_LayerCount
dim TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount] as TMX_LAYER
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
opacity$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "opacity")
isVisible$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "visible")
// Layer's name
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].name = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "name")
// Layer's offset position
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].x = 0
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].y = 0
// If opacity not set, default to 255
if opacity$ = "" then opacity$ = "1"
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].alpha = val(opacity$) * 255
// If visible not set, default to true
if isVisible$ = "" : TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].visible = 1 : else : TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].visible = val(isVisible$) : endif
// Meaningless in an image layer
`TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].width = TMX_Map.mapWidth
`TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].height = TMX_Map.mapHeight
while tag$ <> "/imagelayer"
s$ = xml_StripLeadingSpaces$(readline(F))
tag$ = xml_GetTagName$(s$)
if tag$ = "image"
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
TMX_Map_Layers[_TMX_LayerCount].imageLayer.source = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "source")
// Only supports Base64 uncompressed [2-6-2014]
if tag$ = "data"
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
encoding$ = xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "encoding")
// Base64 encoding
if encoding$ = "base64"
data$ = xml_GetTagInnerContent$(F, "data")
dataSize = decode64ToByteArray(data$)
for i = 1 to dataSize step 4
gid = B64[i] || B64[i+1]<<8 || B64[i+2]<<16 || B64[i+3]<<24
inc tileNumber
checkAndSetGID(_TMX_LayerCount, tileNumber, gid)
next i
// free up memory
undim B64[]
// CSV encoding
elseif encoding$ = "csv"
while tag$ <> "/data"
s$ = xml_StripLeadingSpaces$(readline(F))
tag$ = xml_GetTagName$(s$)
n = countStringTokens(s$, ",")
for i = 1 to n
inc tileNumber
gid = val(getStringToken(s$, ",", i))
checkAndSetGID(_TMX_LayerCount, tileNumber, gid)
next i
// Default, no encoding
while tag$ <> "/data"
s$ = xml_StripLeadingSpaces$(readline(F))
tag$ = xml_GetTagName$(s$)
if tag$ = "tile"
inc tileNumber
attributes$ = xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(s$, tag$)
gid = val(xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, "gid"))
`checkAndSetGID(_TMX_LayerCount, tileNumber, gid)
if gid = 0
TMX_Map[_TMX_LayerCount, tileNumber].gid = 0
TMX_Map[_TMX_LayerCount, tileNumber].tilesetIndex = 0
tsi = tmx_GetTilesetIndex(gid)
TMX_Map[_TMX_LayerCount, tileNumber].gid = gid - TMX_Tilesets[tsi].firstGid + 1
TMX_Map[_TMX_LayerCount, tileNumber].tilesetIndex = tsi
if _TMX_LayerCount = 3
r$ = str(gid) + " - "+str(TMX_Map[_TMX_LayerCount, tileNumber].gid )
`writeLine(f2, r$)
// Tiles from inside a pair of tileset tags, contains terrain info
if tag$ = "tile"
// not yet implemented
until fileEOF(F) = 1
// Set background color
r = (TMX_Map.bgColor && 16711680) >> 16
g = (TMX_Map.bgColor && 65280) >> 8
b = TMX_Map.bgColor && 255
setClearColor(r, g, b)
// Load tileset images
// Build objects
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_ORTHO then tmx_BuildOrthogonalMap()
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_ISO then tmx_BuildIsometricMap()
if TMX_Map.orientation = TMX_ORIENTATION_STAG then tmx_BuildStaggeredMap()
function tmx_BuildObjects()
for i = 1 to _TMX_ObjectCount
if TMX_Objects[i].gid > 0
TMX_Objects[i].sprite = cloneSprite(TMX_Tilesets[TMX_Objects[i].tilesetIndex].sprite)
setSpritePosition(TMX_Objects[i].sprite, TMX_Objects[i].x, TMX_Objects[i].y)
setSpriteAngle(TMX_Objects[i].sprite, TMX_Objects[i].rotation)
setSpriteColorAlpha(TMX_Objects[i].sprite, TMX_Map_Layers[TMX_Objects[i].layerId].alpha)
setSpriteVisible(TMX_Objects[i].sprite, TMX_Objects[i].visible)
next i
// Checks the GID for tile flipping flags, then
// clears the flags before finally adding it to
// the map
function checkAndSetGID(layerId, tileId, gid)
if gid = 0
TMX_Map[layerId, tileId].gid = 0
TMX_Map[layerId, tileId].tilesetIndex = 0
// Check for tile flipping
TMX_Map[layerId, tileId].flipHorizontal = gid && TMX_FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY
TMX_Map[layerId, tileId].flipVertical = gid && TMX_FLIPPED_VERTICALLY
TMX_Map[layerId, tileId].flipDiagonal = gid && TMX_FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY
// Clear flags from gid
gid = gid && TMX_CLEAR_FLAGS
tsi = tmx_GetTilesetIndex(gid)
TMX_Map[layerId, tileId].gid = gid - TMX_Tilesets[tsi].firstGid + 1
TMX_Map[layerId, tileId].tilesetIndex = tsi
// Sets the visible area for the map. Default is
// the entire screen.
function tmx_SetViewport(x1, y1, x2, y2)
count = TMX_Map.mapWidth * TMX_Map.mapHeight
for layer = 1 to tmx_GetLayerTotal()
for i = 1 to count
setSpriteScissor(TMX_Map[layer, i].sprite, x1, y1, x2, y2)
next i
next layer
function tmx_GetTilesetName(tilesetId)
s$ = TMX_Tilesets[i].name
endfunction s$
function tmx_GetTilesetImageSource(tilesetId)
s$ = TMX_Tilesets[i].source
endfunction s$
function tmx_UpdateMap()
for i = 1 to _TMX_ObjectCount
if TMX_Objects[i].visible = 1
x = TMX_Objects[i].x + TMX_Map.offsetX
y = TMX_Objects[i].y + TMX_Map.offsetY
tmx_DrawBox(x, y, x+TMX_Objects[i].width, y+TMX_Objects[i].height, 255,0,0)
next i
// Returns the value of an attribute found in a
// string created by getUnparsedAttributeString$()
function tmx_DeleteMap()
count = TMX_Map.mapWidth * TMX_Map.mapHeight
for layer = 1 to tmx_GetLayerTotal()
if TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_TILE
for i = 1 to count
if getSpriteExists(TMX_Map[layer, i].sprite) = 1 then deleteSprite(TMX_Map[layer, i].sprite)
next i
elseif TMX_Map_Layers[layer].layerType = TMX_LAYER_IMAGE
if getSpriteExists(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite) = 1 then deleteSprite(TMX_Map_Layers[layer].imageLayer.sprite)
next layer
for i = 1 to _TMX_TilesetCount
next i
_TMX_TilesetCount = 0
_TMX_LayerCount = 0
undim TMX_Map[]
undim TMX_Map_Layers[]
undim TMX_Tilesets[]
TMX_Map.mapWidth = 0
TMX_Map.mapHeight = 0
TMX_Map.tileWidth = 0
TMX_Map.tileHeight = 0
TMX_Map.orientation = 0
TMX_Map.tileWidth2 = 0
TMX_Map.tileHeight2 = 0
TMX_Map.offsetX = 0
TMX_Map.offsetY = 0
TMX_Map.bgColor = 0
// Returns the value of an attribute found in a
// string created by getUnparsedAttributeString$()
function xml_GetAttribute$(attributes$, attname$)
attLength = len(attname$)
L = len(attributes$)
for i = 1 to L - attLength
if mid(attributes$, i, attLength) = attname$ then exit
next i
v = i+attLength+1
temp$ = str(v)
opening = 1
for i = v to L
if mid(attributes$, i, 1) = chr(34)
if open = 1
closing = i-1
if open = 0
open = 1
opening = i+1
next i
value$ = mid(attributes$, opening, closing-opening+1)
endfunction value$
// Returns the content between the currently open
// tag and it's closing tag. Must specify name of
// currently opened tag.
function xml_GetTagInnerContent$(fileId, tag$)
tag$ = "/"+tag$
text$ = ""
s$ = xml_StripLeadingSpaces$(readline(fileId))
t$ = xml_GetTagName$(s$)
if t$ = tag$ then exitfunction text$
text$ = s$
while t$ <> tag$
s$ = xml_StripLeadingSpaces$(readline(fileId))
t$ = xml_GetTagName$(s$)
if t$ <> tag$ then text$ = s$+"\r\n" + s$
endfunction text$
// Returns a string stripped of its tag
function xml_GetUnparsedAttributeString$(text$, tag$)
text$ = mid(text$, 3+len(tag$), -1)
endfunction text$
// Returns first tag name found in string
function xml_GetTagName$(text$)
L = len(text$)
for i = 2 to L
c = asc(mid(text$, i, 1))
if c = 62 or c = 32 then exit
next i
text$ = lower(mid(text$, 2, i-2))
endfunction text$
// Returns a string stripped of leading spaces
function xml_StripLeadingSpaces$(text$)
s = 1
for i = 1 to len(text$)
if mid(text$, i, 1) <> " "
s = i
next i
text$ = mid(text$, s, -1)
endfunction text$
// Some tileset images can having spacing and/or
// margins between the tiles. AGK's animated
// sprites cannot accommodate for these variables
// and so the image must be restructured,
// stripping out the spacing and margin.
// Returns the image ID.
function getTrimmedImage(filename$, tileWidth, tileHeight, margin, spacing)
img = loadImage(filename$)
m1 = createMemblockFromImage(img)
imgWidth = getImageWidth(img)
imgHeight = getImageHeight(img)
tileCountX = (imgWidth-margin) / (tileWidth + spacing)
tileCountY = (imgHeight-margin) / (tileHeight + spacing)
// Don't need image anymore, it's in the memblock
// Loop through all tiles
for ty = 0 to tileCountY-1
for tx = 0 to tileCountX-1
// Find starting position of this tile
rows = ((ty*(tileHeight+spacing))+margin)
cols = tx*(tileWidth+spacing) + margin
base = (rows*imgWidth)*4 + cols*4 + 12
// Tile pixels
for y = 0 to tileHeight-1
for x = 0 to tileWidth-1
pos1 = base + (y*imgWidth + x)*4
junk = (ty*spacing+margin)*imgWidth*4 + (tx*spacing+margin)*4
pos2 = pos1 - junk
setMemblockInt(m1, pos2, getMemblockInt(m1, pos1))
setMemblockInt(m1, pos2, getMemblockInt(m1, pos1))
setMemblockInt(m1, pos2, getMemblockInt(m1, pos1))
next x
next y
next tx
next ty
// Dimensions of new image stripped of margin and spacing
newWidth = tileCountX*tileWidth
newHeight = tileCountY*tileHeight
createImageFromMemblock(img, m1)
img1 = copyImage(img, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight)
endfunction img1
function tmx_GetMapWidth()
endfunction TMX_Map.mapWidth
function tmx_GetMapHeight()
endfunction TMX_Map.mapHeight
function tmx_GetMapTileWidth()
endfunction TMX_Map.tileWidth
function tmx_GetMapTileHeight()
endfunction TMX_Map.tileHeight
function tmx_GetMapPositionX()
endfunction TMX_Map.offsetX
function tmx_GetMapPositionY()
endfunction TMX_Map.offsetY
// Returns number of map layers
function tmx_GetLayerTotal()
endfunction _TMX_LayerCount
// X-coordinate local to the map. Map position
// does not change this value.
function tmx_GetTileX(t)
t = t - 1
ty = floor(t / TMX_Map.mapWidth)
tx = t - ty*TMX_Map.mapWidth
x = tx*TMX_Map.tileWidth
endfunction x
// Y-coordinate local to the map. Map position
// does not change this value.
function tmx_GetTileY(t)
t = t - 1
ty = floor(t / TMX_Map.mapWidth)
tx = t - ty*TMX_Map.mapWidth
y = ty*TMX_Map.tileHeight
endfunction y
// World X position of specified tile
function tmx_GetTileWorldX(t)
x = tmx_GetTileX(t) + TMX_Map.offsetX
endfunction x
// World Y position of specified tile
function tmx_GetTileWorldY(t)
y = tmx_GetTileY(t) + TMX_Map.offsetY
endfunction y
function tmx_GetLayerAlpha(layer)
a = TMX_Map_Layers[layer].alpha
endfunction a
function tmx_GetLayerVisible(layer)
v = TMX_Map_Layers[layer].visible
endfunction v
function tmx_GetObjectSprite(objectId)
s = 0
if getSpriteExists(TMX_Objects[objectId].sprite) = 1 then s = TMX_Objects[objectId].sprite
endfunction s
// Draws a box outline
function tmx_DrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, r,g,b)
drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y1, r,g,b)
drawLine(x1, y2, x2, y2, r,g,b)
drawLine(x1, y1, x1, y2, r,g,b)
drawLine(x2, y1, x2, y2, r,g,b)