i'm using this for the insight detection of the player for the AI.
bool NPC::cl_NPC::Player_InSight(float fSource_X, float fSource_Y, float fSource_Z, int iEx_OBJ)
int collide = SC_RayCast(0, fSource_X, fSource_Y, fSource_Z, dbObjectPositionX(PLAYER::general.splayer.iPlayerObject), dbObjectPositionY(PLAYER::general.splayer.iPlayerObject), dbObjectPositionZ(PLAYER::general.splayer.iPlayerObject), iEx_OBJ);
if(collide == PLAYER::general.splayer.iPlayerObject){ return true; }
return false;
So the problem is:
I've got the player without a group, enemies are one group, and the world objects are one group.
So, know i'm checking all groups right now (required for world check & player) - but the enemy objects are interrupting the raycast.
(Because i check them too.)
so, any idea how i can exclude the enemy group, but check for player and world objects?