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Dark GDK / Can't make sprite face mouse completely?

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Joined: 8th Mar 2014
Posted: 8th Mar 2014 23:27
I have been working on a Dark GDK project in which I make a sprite face the cursor or mouse's location. I picked up on some code and implemented it into my application but it seems to not be working correction. Here is a preview,, as you can see, the sprite is not facing the right place where the cursor is and it does not move correctly. I believe this is because Dark GDK doesn't know where the center of my object is. Can anyone help me understand what I am doing wrong? I changed the values of the rotation and rotated the sprite but that didn't help at all.

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Joined: 28th Dec 2005
Location: Sweden
Posted: 9th Mar 2014 12:11
Try dbPositionSprite(spr, dbMouseX() + dbSpriteWidth(spr) / 2, dbMouseY() + dbSpriteHeight(spr) / 2).

Sprite positions are relative to their upper left corner by default.

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