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Dark GDK / Wait Timer

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Joined: 15th Mar 2014
Posted: 15th Mar 2014 00:11
Hello guys, im new to DarkGDK, and I'm sure a lot of you will
have the answear to my question.

I need to wait 2 seconds before doing an action?!
ehmm do I need dbTimer() ?? and if yes, could you guys
please give me a simple "Code Example" thank you.

lol albanians in da house <3
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Joined: 28th Dec 2005
Location: Sweden
Posted: 15th Mar 2014 21:10
You can use dbTimer, or clock (include time.h); they both return the same thing (a millisecond counter).

Simply waiting for two seconds, you would check dbTimer() / clock(), store its value to a variable and wait until dbTimer() / clock() returns a value that is equal to or greater than the stored time stamp + 2000 milliseconds.
Something like this:

Of course you probably will want to do other things in that while loop, or else your program will just freeze until the two seconds have passed. It is also a busy wait so it will be more accurate at the cost of using your CPU to the max - if very exact timing isn't necessary you should call Sleep(1) in the loop to allow other processes to use the CPU while your program is just waiting.

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