Something I had started work on but never showed because I didn't think anyone would be interested, until I saw this gui threads popping up. So I've started working on it again today.
To switch to another menu, all you gotta do is call
ios_SwitchMenu(menuId) once and the rest happens automatically. I've tried to keep the commands as simple as I could. I've also been considering an XML format that lets users design menus even easier.
MENU_SETTINGS = ios_CreateMenu(0, "Settings")
i = createList(MENU_SETTINGS, 5, 100)
setListItemText(i+0, "Airplane Mode")
setListItemText(i+1, "Wi-Fi")
setListItemText(i+2, "Personal Hotspot")
setListItemText(i+3, "Notifications")
setListItemText(i+4, "Location Services")
i = createList(MENU_SETTINGS, 3, getListItemY(i+4)+118)
setListItemText(i+0, "Sounds")
setListItemText(i+1, "Brightness")
setListItemText(i+2, "Wallpaper")
i = createList(MENU_SETTINGS, 10, getListItemY(i+2)+118)
setListItemText(i+0, "General")
ios_PositionToggle(0, 451, getListItemY(0)+16)
MENU_GENERAL = ios_CreateMenu(MENU_SETTINGS, "General")
i = createList(MENU_GENERAL, 3, 100)
setListItemText(i+0, "About")
setListItemText(i+1, "Software Update")
setListItemText(i+2, "Usage")
i = createList(MENU_GENERAL, 3, getListItemY(i+2)+118)
setListItemText(i+0, "Network") : ios_SetListItem(i, "Network", 0, MENU_NETWORK)
setListItemText(i+1, "Bluetooth")
setListItemText(i+2, "iTunes Wi-Fi Sync")
MENU_NETWORK = ios_CreateMenu(MENU_GENERAL, "Network")
i = createList(MENU_NETWORK, 4, 100)
setListItemText(i+0, "Cellular Data")
setListItemText(i+1, "Cellular Data Network")
setListItemText(i+2, "Data Roaming")
setListItemText(i+3, "Personal Hotspot")
ios_PositionToggle(1, 451, getListItemY(i)+16)
ios_PositionToggle(2, 451, getListItemY(i+2)+16)
MENU_VEENCY = ios_CreateMenu(MENU_SETTINGS, "Veency")
MENU_USAGE = ios_CreateMenu(MENU_SETTINGS, "Usage")
// Default this toggle to 'on' position
ios_SetToggle(1, 1)
ios_SetListItem(8, "General", createSprite(loadImage("icon_general.png")), MENU_GENERAL)
// Put some default icons
for i = 0 to 7
setListIcon(i, createSprite(loadImage("icon.png")))
next i
// System sounds
ios_SetSound(ios_SOUND_TOGGLE, loadSound("215772__otisjames__click.wav"))
ios_SetSound(ios_SOUND_MENU, loadSound("160500__timmy-h123__whoosh-01.wav"))
// This handles everything
until getRawKeyPressed(27) = 1