Hi All, me thinks "Elite" was the "Half-life" of its time.
It succeeded because it was both deep an beautifull where the other games of the time where quite shallow an left you bored by the 2nd week.
Similarly, I know Quake3 & Unreal tournament, Unreal have their fans, but half-life,,,,, wiped the floor with both combined
Infact, I thought Quake 3 & Unreal tournament represented an incredibly backwards step in game developement.
Anyway, I don't think anyone could make a space sim a best seller again, de market is "tiny"
Besides, who can name a single spacecraft flown by humans rather than by computers,
How do craft wizzing along at 15,000 mph dogfight ?
"Space sim" surely is a misnomer for virtually every one including "elite"
I loved elite, played it for a year on multiple formats