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Work in Progress / New n Improved ODBC Plugin - allowing use of MS Access, Excel, DBASE, etc with ODBC drivers in place

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Posted: 29th Mar 2014 13:41 Edited at: 1st Apr 2014 19:53
OK, I had a go at an ODBC plugin before and fell flat on my proverbial.

So I'm going to have a go at it again.

I want it to have much the same (but in limited form really compared to the SQLITE plugin - I have far more familiarity with SQLITE) functionality of my SQLITE plugin:-

If you have the right ODBC drivers (act like a bridge to various formats of database) installed you should be able to access, alter, edit, review, change MS Access databases, MS Excel databases, DBase databases, Firebird databases etc - so long as you have properly installed the ODBC drivers for those particular types of database aleady.

If you have latest versions of MS Access and/or MS Excel those software applications should have also installed bridging ODBC drivers.

Here are some potential links to other ODBC drivers to allow you to play with other types of database (you may need to subscribe to some sites like say MySQL):-

mysql odbc drivers =

postgreslq odbc drivers (see bottom of page) =

sqlite3 odbc drivers =

sql server odbc drivers =

firebird odbc drivers =

I'll include some functions to look at what ODBC drivers you have.

I'll also try and simplify getting in to and out of MS databases and perhaps other database formats, without worrying about servers etc. That's the idea anyway...



Current Version 0.1 (01/04/2014)

Added 19 functions.

Trying to make it easier to establish a connection and connect to a database using a bridging ODBC driver without having to set up that connection separately and manually.

Lots of functions to assist and find out about ODBC drivers too.

Also table count and table name functions.

Totally TOTALLY untested...

Command Set

Any proper testing and feedback greatfully received...

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...


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Joined: 9th Feb 2003
Location: chair
Posted: 1st Apr 2014 19:54 Edited at: 1st Apr 2014 19:54
Release a fresh alpha v0.1 with 19 new functions - see above and attached.

Please test it and let me know where the bugs is at...

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...


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