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Dark GDK / Okay so I know I am spoiled by too much web programming

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Posted: 14th Apr 2014 09:57
I know this may seem tedious to all you uber leet gdk devs. Or maybe its just because I am spoiled from creating too much javascript, html, css on a single ide which just run in a browser, but I am totally confused.

I do not understand why GDK needs C++ if it supports purebasic, nor do i understand why it doesn't support DBPro.

What dll's would i need to drop into where ever to extend what sort of functionality.

I know the years have gone by and all this is just so much old rope to many of you, but there are still people coming to this for the first time.

Nothing I have read or video that I have watched makes any of it any clearer.

I would like to find a comprehensive tute that explains the installation.


there just has to be light at the end of the tunnel, even if its only a birthday candle....and cake!
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Posted: 14th Apr 2014 11:06
I had to stop writing the above because of a two hour drama call from a friend....

The other thing I am confused about is all the updates to DBPro and DB Classic for GDK and all the Dark addons (physics, AI et al ) and what and in which order to install them.

I just want it all to work and I would like some one to explain it to me. Either in an existing tute or video that I havent yet found. Or from some kind hearted person who can do so in less than 150 words (I dont want to sprain their fingers LOL )

Thanks again

there just has to be light at the end of the tunnel, even if its only a birthday candle....and cake!
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Posted: 15th Apr 2014 08:43 Edited at: 15th Apr 2014 08:44
DarkGDK is a set of libraries (libs) and headers designed for the C++ programmer. If it works with purebasic it’s because purebasic is designed to work with C++ libraries and headers. Basically DarkGDK is DBPro for the C++ programmer.

In DarkGDK (C++) you can use dll's. But, it would probably be a disaster to use dll’s designed for DBPro. The add-ons should include installations for the DarkGDK headers and libraries. Some such as those found on the forum for DBPro may just not have a DarkGDK counterpart.

Hope this helps.
The Tall Man
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Posted: 16th Apr 2014 01:40 Edited at: 16th Apr 2014 02:20
The Dark engine was written in C++. This is how and where the Dark engine is implemented. The low-level engine was written in C++. Everything is implemented in C++.

There are two high-level wrappers for the Dark engine:

1. DarkGDK - a high-level C++ wrapper, for c++ programmers.
The C++ wrapper commands call the appropriate low-level, pre-compiled C++ functions from the DarkGDK library.

2. DarkBASIC - a high-level BASIC wrapper, for BASIC programmers.
As far as I know, the DarkBASIC has its own interpreter, created by TGC, and that the BASIC interpreter itself was written in C++. For BASIC, a command is read by the interpreter, and the appropriate pre-compiled C++ function (within the DLLs) is called by the interpreter.

In other words:

So as you can see, C++ is the basis for the Dark engine, whichever programming interface wrapper you use. BASIC adds an extra layer of wrapping and the need for an interpreter. And even BASIC is implemented in C++.

Btw, the DarkBASIC DLLs can be used from C++ in DarkGDK projects. There was another thread (on anisotropic filtering) somewhere, where the author showed how he was doing it.

The only reason to add this level of indirection in a DarkGDK project would be to call a feature that was created for DarkBASIC, yet not publicly wrapped (accessible) for DarkGDK (and there are several).
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Posted: 16th Apr 2014 03:16 Edited at: 16th Apr 2014 03:18
Are you referring to this; Anisotropic Filtering DLL. I searched the DarkGDK board and found two threads both pointing back to kaedroho's post. If so, this is not using the DBPro dll from DarkGDK.
The Tall Man
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Posted: 16th Apr 2014 03:24 Edited at: 16th Apr 2014 03:31
I think it may have been that one, you could be right. I remember seeing source code of someone using a .dll for anisotropic filtering from DarkGDK, it very likely could have been that .dll.

Still, there's no reason a DarkBASIC .dll wouldn't work for DarkGDK. I think that source code example I saw included some sort of setup call though. But with the source code, does it really matter

P.S. I just remembered. The code that used the DLL was in a forum download, not posted in the forum. And if I remember correctly, the code was created by the author of the .dll.
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Posted: 16th Apr 2014 04:02 Edited at: 16th Apr 2014 04:59
No, I guess it really doesn't matter. But, if there was a way to incorporate DBPro dll’s into DarkGDK it would be handy to know how. As far as I know the dll’s would not be able to access DarkGDK’s internal structures and therein is the problem with that.

Quote: "P.S. I just remembered. The code that used the DLL was in a forum download, not posted in the forum. And if I remember correctly, the code was created by the author of the .dll."

I will look a little harder.
The Tall Man
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Posted: 16th Apr 2014 04:57
That's a good point.
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Posted: 16th Apr 2014 05:17 Edited at: 16th Apr 2014 05:21
Back to, baggins original post. The Dark GDK's installer works with Visual C++ 2008. Follow these steps.

1) Do a Google search for Microsoft's Visual C++ 2008 Express. Download and install.

2) Install the August 2007 DirectX 9.0c SDK.

3) Run Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. Let it go through its setup process.

4) Install Dark GDK.

5) Install the add-ons for Dark GDK.
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Posted: 16th Apr 2014 11:24
Thanks Tally and X

You have definitely cleared up my understanding of what GDK is and what it does.

How-some-ever I still don't know why I cant use DX SDK 2009 and VB 2013.


there just has to be light at the end of the tunnel, even if its only a birthday candle....and cake!

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