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Dark GDK / DarkGDK for PUREBASIC fail

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Joined: 20th May 2009
Location: Oklahoma City OK (USA)
Posted: 24th Apr 2014 01:32
Well after spending hours converting my code to DarkGDK for Purebasic so I would have Dark AI and DarkCLOUDS available, a serious problem surfaced. None of my interface sprites will correctly display in Purebasic. I am using PNG files that have a transparent element to them that is crucial for the design. I tried everything, and the DarkGDK simply does not handle them properly. So, I took my code, converted back to pure DarkBasic Professional 7.62, and everything I have designed looks as it should. Too bad, I really like Purebasic and it's editor. But this flaw cannot be overlooked.

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