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Work in Progress / [DBP] -=Canyon Runner=- [Racing Pre-Alpha]

Derek Darkly
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Posted: 26th Apr 2014 04:49 Edited at: 26th Apr 2014 04:51
This is an older demo I took a looooong break from because I couldn't figure out satisfactory drifting. (Some blasted day!!)

A game controller is absolutely required for this... sorry if you don't have one or if yours ain't compatible. Don't worry, you're not missing out on much.

V-change camera view
R-replay mode (any time)
Z-reset game
K-kill music
S-enter sync rate (input not visible, but type in a number and hit enter)

The terrains are amateur, the cars are very stripped down and the textures are horrible! LoL

The object for now: See if you can beat the ghost car.
('R' to enter replay at any time.)

The engine is actually my voice, as is the turbo shift sound.
Replace the music file with a file of the same name for your "theme song".

Other prahblems:
-You can only race the ghost car on track #1
-The collision is iffy
-There is no drifting
-The car may sink into the ground



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Derek Darkly
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Posted: 26th Apr 2014 04:50
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Chris Tate
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Posted: 26th Apr 2014 19:38
Will play this when I get the chance.

Derek Darkly
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Posted: 27th Apr 2014 16:34
Quote: "Will play this when I get the chance."

Thanks Chris!

I just threw this up here on the forums for fun.
There are literally ten-thousand improvements that could be made.
(There aren't even any hills! LoL)

I'd like to eventually design an original car more suited to the theme of the game. This is one of 8 unfinished games that I have on my "to do" list.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 10th May 2014 18:01
I was going to give this a go, but I do not have a working game controller.

Derek Darkly
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Posted: 12th May 2014 01:44
Oh that's okay, it's horrible anyway.

For anyone who tries it, I recommend setting the sync rate to 15 via the instructions above. I coded everything a bit too fast.

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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 19:52
I had a play of this the other night and thought it was great!

I was using an XBox360 controller and didn't change the sync rate.

It was a little too fast, but not by much, and I managed to get round the track without crashing (at least once). With the simple controls, it felt like playing an old school arcade racer. I really like it.

I only played the first track (for about an hour) but I really don't think this needs much work. Just get the menu working properly, reset the car's facing when starting a new race. Maybe a count down at the start before the car starts moving. Drifting and hills would be nice but I don't think it's essential.

Derek Darkly
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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 23:21 Edited at: 25th Jun 2014 23:23
Quote: "I only played the first track (for about an hour) but I really don't think this needs much work. Just get the menu working properly, reset the car's facing when starting a new race. Maybe a count down at the start before the car starts moving. Drifting and hills would be nice but I don't think it's essential."

LoL... you're too kind, 29.
The fact that one person enjoyed it made the upload worthwhile!
(Wow, you played for an hour?!)

If you set the sync rate to 15, that is the intended speed of the game, although that's not what I had in mind for the actual FPS setting.

Yeah, if I can get my head wrapped around a drifting formula (my math skills are like, 9th-grade level) then I would be inspired to work on this project a little more. Obviously a Lambo isn't a sensible dirt racing car, so I'd want something more suitable there too.

Thanks for the feedback!!

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 20:23
Quote: "(Wow, you played for an hour?!)"

Yep, set me up with any no-budget driving game with a half good game play mechanic and that's my evening sorted. I used to play 30 lap races on ToCa 2 on the PS1.

Quote: "Obviously a Lambo isn't a sensible dirt racing car, so I'd want something more suitable there too"

I really wouldn't worry about that. I never even occurred to me that the Lambo was out of place (as an aside, are we just calling it the "Lambo" because we don't know how to spell the full name and are too lazy to look it up?)

There is another reason for keeping the Lambo and for not putting in hills. If you had a dirt car / dune buggy and lots of humps and bumps then I would expect the car to bounce around. Which, if you're struggling with drifting mechanics, could be rather tricky to do. The flat track and sports car that sticks to the ground actually fits the game play.

And speaking of drifting, here's some code I knocked together:

This gives a very arcade like drifting effect and the only real bit of maths is a bit of trig.

The core of it is to split the direction the car is facing from the direction the car is moving. Then to have a transition between what the car is actually doing to what you want it to do. This is done using the CURVE VALUE command to transition from the actual velocity to the target velocity. Hopefully looking at the code it'll make sense.

What you could do is change the CURVE VALUE speed parameter based on say:

- how fast the car is going (if the car is travelling fast you could have more drifting).
- how fast the player move the joystick left or right (i.e. jerk left to initiate a drift).
- for key board controls increase the drift based on how long they are turning for.

Now you can drift, you must finish this game.

Derek Darkly
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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 22:08
Quote: "Now you can drift, you must finish this game."

Lmao... indeed.
I'll check out your code over the weekend and see if I can implement it without help. I had actually heard this theory before.. about separating the car's drift angle from its visible angle (I think it was GG or Batvink) but I never put any time into the idea.

Quote: " are we just calling it the "Lambo" because we don't know how to spell the full name and are too lazy to look it up?"

Ha... no i just figured everyone knows what a Lambo is. I've probably watched too much Jackass and Bam Margera, but in any case I assure you that my spelling is impeckerable.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 22:32
Any chance in adding keyboard controls?

Derek Darkly
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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 22:46 Edited at: 27th Jun 2014 22:53
Quote: "Any chance in adding keyboard controls?"

If I can get off my duff (or on it in front of the PC) and work on it, I'll do that just for you Chris. What are the standard keys for racing games? I haven't added a manual transmission, so gas, brake, reverse and steering should cover it. Of course, the steering won't be as accurate as with the gamepad.

I'm surprised that, being the mad-scientist of programming that you are, Chris, you don't have a game controller to mess with. I'd go for a cheap one like mine. Something like this one.

I also understand that an XBox controller will work on a PC with a simple driver install.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 28th Jun 2014 00:04
I have a few, but they are broken. I mostly play CSGO and Civilization 5 these days; good ol'mouse and keyboard.

I will buy a new controller at some point this month, if not next month.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 05:48
I really like this game, it reminds me of the retro games like virtual racing/checkered flag. I ran the game with the default sync rate, the only problem I had was selecting the snow track since the cursor would move too fast but I managed. You have a solid build here once you make a few minor adjustments to the steering. A major plus if you can make the car flip upon crashing.
Derek Darkly
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Posted: 7th Jul 2014 22:03
Quote: "You have a solid build here once you make a few minor adjustments to the steering. A major plus if you can make the car flip upon crashing."

Thanks, glad you liked it!

I'll try to get all that sync rate/steering/selection stuff worked out in the next update. Plus the second and third tracks don't have their own ghost-car laps yet, so I'll try to make those too.


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