Posted: 27th Apr 2014 04:53
Hi xCept,
Thanks for that reply and I had seen that already. I tried going through it and was having some issues along the way but that's probably on my end, not the great writeup that you provided.
However, somehow, whatever I've done, it must be working now because my ads now show up. Here's what I've done:
1. Build my app and compiled in v1.0.8 (v2 doesn't seem to compile well so for now I'm sticking to v1.0.8).
2. Zipped my "media" folder.
3. Used the link that does the one-stop APK for you. I've tried the multi-step approach and that's never worked for me. This one is easy, it works, and it's straightforward. This link is:
4. Setup my account on Admob. Also, before I compiled my app in Step 1, I put in the Advert commands in my app. Those commands are:
SetAdMobDetails("ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXX/YYYYYY") This is the ID for the app I want to put ads in that is provide on the Admob site.
//Create and Position the Advert
//2nd digit - 0=left, 1=center, 2=right
//3rd digit - 0=top, 1=center, 2=bottom
//4th digit - 1=test ad, 0=real
CreateAdvert(0, 0, 2, 1)
//Make Advert Visible
SetAdvertVisible ( 1 ) //0=hidden, 1=shown
5. I use to upload my APK file to my Dropbox and then when I access it on my phone, it automatically downloads it. And then, when the download completes, I click it and it automatically installs it.
And, as long as I keep the Package Name and Keystore File the same, then any time I upload a newer version of the software, it will do the update.
So, as long as this keeps working, then I think I might be ok.
Any comments let me know.