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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Is Dark Physics viable for commercial products?

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Joined: 16th Oct 2013
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Posted: 14th May 2014 00:55
Hi everyone. I bought DarkGame Studio in December of last year, and I just first want to say what an amazing set of game creation tools it contains! Now, as you should know, the package also contains Dark Physics, and on all the systems I have tested the demos on so far they worked wonderfully. I also had no problem getting it up and running directly after installing Darkgame Studio.

However, from what I have seen posted on the forum, games using Dark Physics do seem to cause problems on some systems. Now my question is this: Do you as fellow developers and hobbyists think that Dark Physics is a viable physics engine for commercial game products, or will it cause too much hassle for the end-user? Any workarounds?

I took a look at Dark Dynamix, and it seems to be a serious upgrade over Dark Physics. Sadly, if the price is converted to South African Rands, it costs over R200 more than what I payed for the entire Darkgame Studio, and since I only earn between R1500 and R2000 a month, and with rent and bills etc. I just can't afford the add-on at this time.

I am sure I will eventually get Dark Dynamix when the need is extremely pressing, but for now, should I use Dark Physics in our projects?
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Posted: 30th May 2014 00:05
As long as you include a 'How To' and package the PhysX runtime with your app' you should be fine, don't forget the DirectX install package either...

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