So I went searching online and found a extern setup for lua downloaded the lua5.1.lib files and .h files
extern "C" {
#pragma comment (lib,"lua5.1.lib")
#include "lua.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
Now its a matter of finding more information on putting it into my project and using the library setup I found.
I had a question I hope someone could shed light on.
Using the following code for rotating my object, It turns left and right no problem but the up and down allows me to move my mouse forward and watch the model do cart wheels how do I lock the object so I can only turn left and right
dbYRotateObject( 2,dbObjectAngleY(2) + dbMouseMoveX()/3.0f );
dbXRotateObject( 2,dbObjectAngleX(2) + dbMouseMoveY()/3.0f );
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