Have you changed the package name in AndroidManifext.xml to your actual game's package?
In my guide it is Step 4, #5
You must change the package names to your package (for example: com.naplandgames.dfenz). There are only a couple of places to change.
Basically what happens is that when the app is built it first looks at the manifest file. In the manifest file it has to find the package names to create an R.java file for each of the packages. If the package is not declared in the manifest it won't make the R file.
So either you don't have the manifest set up correctly, you didn't move GCMIntenetService.java to your package, or the import line for your package is not declared in GCMIntentService.java.
Since you still have a src/com/mycompany/myapp I must assume that you skipped over something in Step 4.