I'm working on using actual touch events for dFenz instead of pointer presses because on iOS it seems there can be some issues when pressing one edge and then the opposite in quick succession.
So I put in my standard touch event handler and it takes an entire second to register a touch event. So it is like it is only noticing long presses. Even stranger is that I use this same code for Shape Time! and the short presses are picked up without any delay.
I'm using 10821 and completely confused why it isn't working right.
If I include unknown touch events everything seems OK, but I remember having some issues with that for Shape Time, so I don't trust it.
Does anyone else have an issue on iOS with the touch events? It is really confusing me why it will work just fine for Shape Time, but not dFenz or as a standalone test. arrgghh!
Also, when I have more than one touch event the X & Y position of the highest indexed touch event (which I assume is the last one to happen) doesn't return the right x & y. It returns the x & y of the first event.
touchCount = GetRawTouchCount(0)
if touchCount > 0
for i = 1 to touchCount
if i = 1
thisTouch = GetRawFirstTouchEvent(0)
thisTouch = GetRawNextTouchEvent()
next i
if thisTouch > 0
pointerX# = GetRawTouchCurrentX(thisTouch)
pointerY# = GetRawTouchCurrentY(thisTouch)
Print("touchCount = " + str(touchCount))
Print("thisTouch = " + str(thisTouch))
Print("pointer x = " + str(pointerX#))
Print("pointer y = " + str(pointerY#))