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Work in Progress / A small multi-player FPS I made in Unity.

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Joined: 29th May 2012
Location: Australia
Posted: 15th Jun 2014 08:41 Edited at: 15th Jun 2014 08:43
Hi, I just made a multi-player FPS in Unity. It's currently a work in progress. If you would like to help me find bugs or just try it out, you can find it at:, It's integrated into the browser and only takes about a minute to download.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity.
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Joined: 2nd Aug 2013
Location: France
Posted: 15th Jun 2014 14:42
Unity is amazing, but it's frowned upon to post projects here that are made with non-TGC products.
AGK Backer
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Joined: 5th Dec 2010
Playing: FFVII
Posted: 15th Jun 2014 16:35
Not frowned upon, just not the place for it, a mod should eventually move this to Geek Culture for you soon... also a WIP should have something to show for it... add some images or videos...

Some [Like me] do not like visiting unfamiliar or SPAM AD based websites, and use the forum because it means you see what you came here for, Images, Cakes, Videos and the occasional Sound bite...

Hope that helps!

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