Thanks gor your reply Naphier.
Yes i meant
Devicex = GetDeviceWidth()
Devicey = GetDeviceHeight()
would give me the height and width of a device and GetDeviceName()
would tell me its an "android" device.
What would have been ideal would be a command that tells me its a Nexus 7 Tablet, or Nexus 10 etc. With so many screen sizes, this way i could tell when it was a tablet and when it was a phone.
The reason i ask is because when i released my game TRAX the adverts on a tablet device are fine at the bottom, but need to be at the top on smaller devices like phones, i could put them all at the top of the playfield but they look better at the bottom on tablets. The problem seems to be that large screen phones S4,S5 have an higher resolution than some tablets.
This code modified from the forum works for Nexus 7
but not sure about other tablet devices.
//Make Advert Visible
If Devicex = 800 And Devicey = 1205//larger devices tablet nexus 7
//Create and Position the Advert
CreateAdvert(0, 1, 2, 0)//bottom
SetAdvertVisible ( 1 )
CreateAdvert(0, 1, 0, 0)//top
SetAdvertVisible ( 1 )
//Reload/Refresh Advert, call occasionally
Can you see a better way in Tier1?
A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon. ~Napoleon