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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Store purchase error??

FPSC BOTB Developer
VBOTB Developer '09
Years of Service
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Joined: 20th Aug 2007
Posted: 23rd Jun 2014 18:37
Has any one ever had the following error occur when purchasing from the FPSC classic store.

"Invalid login details, please login again"

I've emailed TGC, just thought I may be missing a simple error on my part. Thanks
Years of Service
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Joined: 14th Jan 2004
Posted: 23rd Jun 2014 20:06
Hmm... I found last week, that the store seemed to have logged me out after some time (15 minutes) repeatedly, albeit I was browsing the store continously (so, the log-out should not have been caused due to "user inactiity").
Maybe, this is what happened to you, too ?

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