Hello fellow forum-dwellers!
I would like to introduce my *unnamed* 2D space shooter!
The game is, in this pre-alpha state, very basic. However, what is there will give you a feel for the game. Hopefully you'll enjoy it too!
So why post it this early?... The name. Before I go to do even more work and finalize the game, I want a name. Since I myself am completely useless at coming up with any decent ones, I thought that I would upload the game in its current state for you to test. Both from a bugtesting/featuretesting point of view, but also to hopefully get some nice name suggestions?
? maybe? please!
Anyway, here's the link to download the game:
https://www.mediafire.com/?p57qrfbrp3u0fyu*BUG FIXES*
Before you go ahead and write a post about it, you should read this: (kind of Q+A)
Why is there only a short, repeated music piece?
- Because my "Music guy" is working the full pieces, this is just a preview
Why are there no good explosion effects/engine effects/etc?
- Because effects have not been worked on, any effects that you see in the game are placeholders at the moment.
Why can't I play multiplayer/standard mode?
- Because I haven't got that far yet :P
Why don't the planets have any functions?
- Because they are not intended to (in arcade mode). Standard mode will later incorporate planets.
Why can't I return to the main menu from the game?
- Because I haven't gotten round to writing the code for it yet, besides... There's not a lot to do there... xD
Why isn't there a death screen which shows my score?
- Haven't got that far yet
Why is the "my ship" button out of place?
- There isn't supposed to be one on the menu, and when I complete the standard mode it will be removed. It's there so that you can test it! :)
Why is the first screen just a button that says "PEWPEW"?
- Alas! You have found the treasure! ... No, not really, that screen will be replaced by a large logo once I have a name for the game! :)
Control space ship - Mouse X / Y
Fire weapons - Left mouse button
Pause menu - Escape (key)
How to play:
You will need to go into (play/my ship) first and make sure that you have a component in each slot before saving and running a singleplayer, arcade game.
If, whilst playing, you have an epiphany as to what name would suit the game, please let me know!
An image:
Thanks guys!
PS: The final version of the game will have bosses and 4 different difficulty enemies. At the moment you only face the easiest ones (green).