From what I've seen, OGRE is doing some amazing things for being open-source. Very powerful, why not download some of the tech demos?
(The second one)
Ended up playing with the water demo for a good hour over the last few weeks. Personally, I havn't used it much, but it's very interesting. A commercial game has already popped up from it.
I wasn't too impressed with Jet 3D. It looks alright, but if you're already working with one engine,(Me darkbasic Pro) it doesn't jump to me to come and start working with it.
Or maybe I was mistaken and you meant this "Jet" engine
Could go on and on about all the wonderful engines around, and spend hours arguing which to chose from, but in the end it comes down to...
-What sort of games you want to make?
-How much time you have?
-Your skills and resources
-Support for the engine
-Is their something better that does the same thing?
To be honost, I'll let you all in on a little secret. I'm currently building my own engine, and it's not easy at all.
Building your own engine gives you exactly what you want and is designed for your perfect prefrences. I wouldn't get to excited though, 3-5 years time, and maybe people will be arguing why my engine is best.
Well, that's why for now, I spend the majority of time with DBP.
-Most Powerful Basic Engine around.(Except possibly VB)
-Royalty Free
-Can pop an Alpha out in a week
-Plenty of room to grow on
-Only $100(Even less since I've purchased)
Well, there's my big long post about why I'm a DB'er, hope this doesn't hurt the 18.8k'ers (lol, j/k)
A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.