Pirate Poker!
New and Exciting Game From The Fiiishy Team!
Google Play Store DOWNLOAD
Started on my next game app today after successfully getting Kayak Escape on the market and bug free(as far as I can tell lol). This is a quick teaser. This is actually based off a game I developed for TGC back in the day for a mini-game competition using DBP. Those were the days.
Kept the mini-game aspect and giving it some arcade treatment. My projected completion time is 6-7 days from now. Most of the code I just sorta imported from DBP, working on the main media and animations.
Will post some more screenshots soon.
<a href="http://www.slidedb.com/games/kayak-escape" title="View Kayak Escape! on Slide DB" target="_blank"><img src="http://button.slidedb.com/popularity/medium/games/34310.png" alt="Kayak Escape!" /></a>