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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Always reloading 1 bullet to much

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Posted: 18th Aug 2014 23:20
When im reloading a gun it always reloads 1 bullet to much. For example: Im reloading a gun that has a 30-round Magazine, but when ist fully loaded, it Displays 31 rounds, and it just doesnt Display, i can shoot this bullet and it does damage too. Ive got fpsc 1.19.009
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 16:53
v1.19 is pretty buggy I would use v1.18 or v1.20.

best s4real

Amd fx4100,6gb ram,geforce 450
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Posted: 25th Aug 2014 15:03
Didn't this have something to do with a bullet already being in the chamber of certain guns and so wasn't a bug?
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Posted: 25th Aug 2014 17:08
As in "chamberedround = 1"

My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
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Posted: 5th Sep 2014 13:41
Yes I think so. I don't really remember.
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Posted: 6th Sep 2014 14:08
If you want to correct it, go to FPS Creator directory, files>gamecore>guns, then the gun that you want to correct. In the gunspec of the gun you will find a command chamberedround = 1 (as stated by ncmako). Then either remove this command or change the 1 with 0. Also there are other things that can be tweaked but I find the default to be more practical and rational. And the same logic is even applied to the game Battlefield 4. And if you want a better gunspec, you can find a damn nice collection of it in various threads of the forum, just type gunspec in the Thread Subject Search box.

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