Ok, gotta say I'm lovin this new Editor!.
Since Wizzkid first updated his great Editor, and now Paul goin Apes**t crazy (working hard), in a good way ,on this Fantastic New Editor , I have not been able to stop programming in AppGameKit!.
Movies go unwatched, TV shows get missed, I still jam out to music and cut my grass. the first one is enjoyable, the second, cause I tried the , "my yard is a jungle!" look before and my neighbors kinda gave me funny looks... The monkey in a speedo was kinda over the top. just kidding.
Anyways, just wanted to thank Paul for this, Now I have no excuse for not getting a game done. So guess I do have to actually program now. And Now AppGameKit has an Editor that's as great as the language itself , so everyone tell your friends.
Thanks again Paul, Great job!, lookin good!, we all appreciate your hard work, least I do.
But do have to add I have one IDEA, a backup project button, for any current project, just incase we fudge the one were workin on, Though I know none of us would dare make a programming mistake, kiddin , just a thought..
Happy Programming , beep beep...
It's Bird! , It's Plane!, No its a rocket powered Squirrel holding some acorns and a smile!