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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Unable to install Model Pack 8 Bonus content

The Big ZK
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Posted: 24th Aug 2014 02:14
I purchased Model Pack 8 today and installed it fine but when I try and install the additional bonus content (separate install file) it asks for my name and serial number. There is no info in the userdetails file. I originally downloaded FPSC Free and then upgraded through the in engine store and apparently that didn't give me a serial number. Is there any way to find it out other than contacting "support"? I don't really want to do that because I'm still waiting for a reply from a ticket I submitted on the 20th (question is also in the Bug Reports thread if anyone wants to help me out). And why do I need to provide a serial number for FPSC if I purchased the pack? The others didn't require that (I bought 3 packs today)...
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Posted: 24th Aug 2014 22:58
The Big ZK
Your serial number for products is posted under "My Account/My Products/Serial Codes" Try looking there first.

My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
The Big ZK
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Posted: 24th Aug 2014 23:37
Thanks, but I looked there too. Only a serial number for the SEUK I bought is there I'm pretty sure it's because I started with the free version and I don't recall having to register it. I submitted a ticket this morning, hopefully I'll be able to get a serial number
The Big ZK
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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 20:23
I did a reinstall of FPSC and the serial number showed up in the userdetails file. May have been a Windows issue as before anytime I tried to add or change anything in any of the FPSC folders I was prompted for administrator privileges, now I'm not.
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2014 18:50
You should make a copy of your userdetails.ini file so you can restore it later when/if it happens again.


The Big ZK
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2014 06:21
Oh yeah, I did that immediately! And some other files too. And put them on a backup drive. Can't be too careful with Windows, who knows when I'll have to do another "refresh", which I found out the hard way a while back that it deletes more files than I thought...

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