I would suggest using your own sprite sheet and command line function. If you read the subtext functions of the sub images you can customize your characters. This would require you to read the subimages as a file and that each sprite in the sub image file end with .png. You can also make your own text box to customize the input. You can also look for the character ":" in each read line function to partition the file.
In c++ I would use an array and a vector to represent the ending string. this works by using a spritesheet and reading the subimages as reading each line. Opening up the sprite sheet subimage file you can then read each line and partition it. This method ascii values would not matter via partitioning the subimage file.
Here is how I would do it in c++.
partitioning the sub string text file.
//rawimage3 is a spritesheet while temp gets the subimage of a text file.
int tfile=agk::OpenToRead(rawimage3.c_str());
for(int xc=sizeofstring-1;xc>=0;xc--)
for(int xc=0;xc<=sizeofstringn;xc++)
The array code would then use an array function to create a string. This array function would be passed to a function that can in turn create a string.
int block[100]={2,3,3,4,5,6,6,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,11,12,13,13,13,2,3,4,5,6,6,6,6,7,8,9,10,10,11,12,13,13,13,-1};
//then block can be passed to this by interating through the block array;
//you can then also customize the each character size as well as character position and rotation. when the block reaches -1 in my array function that is the end of the string or images.
after this make your own customize text box. You can also use "easter bunny" example then create your customize text box.
Developer of Space Chips, pianobasic, zipzapzoom, and vet pinball apps. Developed the tiled map engine seen on the showcase. Veteran for the military.