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Work in Progress / Et Sulium Sao Eterniae

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Posted: 25th Jun 2021 01:23 Edited at: 25th Jun 2021 01:25
Tab toggles combat.

You can view or set the key and controller mapping in the settings menu

The only door you can interact with is the locked storeroom, it's a smaller single door and it will show interaction options when you are looking at it with the mouse.

Those cracked double doors are only a visual escape point for ledelle and roccio to run away out of the scene and disappear.

Congrats on getting through ledelle! Did you kill her or force her to flee? That will determine if Roccio sticks around or chases after her - nevermind, i see in your edit they ran out, good deal!

A single player RPG featuring a branching, player driven storyline of meaningful choices and multiple endings alongside challenging active combat and intelligent AI.
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Posted: 27th Jun 2021 06:49
Hey Ortu,
Finally got to play this. So first thing, I get to what I'm assuming is a skill point allotment screen but it's pretty distorted on my laptop.

I understand why there wouldn't be voices yet but I must admit it was kind of annoying when 'the woman shakes her head' was displayed on the screen, when I could clearly see her doing no such thing. The hooded man teleported behind me when I was walking up to him. Not sure if that's supposed to happen.
The first guy you fight on the top floor took out a large amount of my health so I backed up and waited for my health to regenerate, he stayed still. I approached him again and he called for the second guy and glitched out walking into the crates. The second guy let me get several stabs into him before the hooded man came to the rescue.
I got the key and finished the demo, then used resume to fight the woman at the door. No health gauges popped up for me at that point and I was able to just stand there and hit the attack button until she ran out.
I've uploaded my save file for you. I still think it was pretty cool all in all.
Played on an i7, 16GB RAM, GTX 1650 (Razer 13 late 2019 laptop).
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Posted: 28th Jun 2021 02:52 Edited at: 29th Jun 2021 00:08
Thanks wattywatts, there's a lot to unpack here

For the character creation screen, that's interesting, I've tested in a bunch of different resolutions and devices but haven't seen that happen before. What resolution are you running and do you have any scaling applied in the OS settings?

'the woman shakes her head' is an emote. i have no plans to add voice acting - it turns out terrible without a budget for professionals - but yeah, i do intend to flesh out the animations further in the full game.

Hooded man is intended to slide in behind you immediately as you enter the office. You were able to get into the room and move around before this triggered? I'll try to reproduce this, the trigger zone may need some adjustment

Roccio holding position instead of following you: i honestly can't remember offhand if that was intended or not, will take a look at the behavior config. He should fallback to the corner behind Arrick after damaging him a bit. I had thought that I'd gotten all of the pathing weirdness worked out but I'll take another look at this area.

The second guy is a test of defensive behavior, he will occasionally counterattack after you attack but otherwise isn't meant to do much other than defend. Once you've gotten a hit through his defense the hooded man will trigger and come in, it sounds like this one was working as intended

Complete > resume > no health gauge - another interesting one though i have a decent idea what's causing that and should be a simple fix, more interesting though it sounds like ledelle didn't fight back at all? Is that right?

I appreciate the post, some really helpful info here, thanks!

A single player RPG featuring a branching, player driven storyline of meaningful choices and multiple endings alongside challenging active combat and intelligent AI.
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Posted: 28th Jun 2021 19:28
Running 1920x1080, Windows scaling set to 125%.
I was in the room and on my way back out when I saw the hooded man just standing there. I wasn't sure what he was doing so I walked up to him but I didn't really see any animation (there may have been a frame or two?), he basically just immediately moved from behind the door to behind the protagonist.
Ledelle did fight back, quite a lot. But there was no damage indicator so I just stood there and spammed attack, taking hits and not guarding at all. I'm assuming she could take me out in a few hits so they must not have registered and after enough of this she ran away.
James H
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Posted: 1st Jul 2021 19:48
@Chris Tate Thanks, I hope your family member is faring well. Part of it was my own long term health issues(fibromyalgia mainly among others) but as there are so many cross symptoms it is easy to confuse one thing with another, literally only started to feel slightly better this week and now of course I am out job hunting so getting very little time to myself.

@Ortu I am sorry this took so long after promising a much shorter time frame, I am still playing with it though I do have some further input. So I have presumably killed Ledelle - from what I recall from the first time you did upload this a long while back she runs out the opposing doors to the ones she starts at? It took several goes at her before I finally got a vague handle of the combat, I say vague because although it now runs smooth after reducing settings I have a dumb ass left hand...Dupuytrens disease plus Garrod Pads...let me put it this way, I get wasted in BF2 compared to how I used to be able to play! I also get blurry vision as the day progresses due to fatigue even with my specs on, must sound like I am an old man but I have not long entered the boundary of middle age!

Anyway, she made what I thought was a dying sound, but just disappeared. I think maybe she fell through the floor or the door, but when I turned round good ole Roccio was there to make sure I died hehe But then instead of a restart I was outside on my lonesome. The building was half in/on the water and half on the beach(I assume intended as with the previous version from waaaay back I am sure it was a little more inland than that). obviously I took a quick look round and saw what I expected, nothing(I think last time there was the odd tree and a path?)

It is also perhaps worth me mentioning that I have not yet bothered with the key search for the door or the crate for that matter, I will get to it, but I decided to pop upstairs and take a look-see, I went to the wheel with the rope and investigated, I did take a few swipes at the rope but it did not cut it. Roccio did however say something along the lines of "well I did give you a chance" while I went to combat mode on that same floor, but he didn't actually budge from the floor above. So I popped up there as well to say hello, went straight to combat mode to see how hard it was to defend and attack him, did not go well lol! On restart I repeated the same process as I had noticed the Samurai looking dude stayed back, so after attacking Roccio I pulled back to see which of the two would come at me but they both stayed put, I think that is maybe intended behaviour or perhaps me going into combat mode on the middle floor making him state he had given me a fair chance was perhaps intended for this fight? I figured maybe if he was in the chance giving mood originally then maybe he wasn't interested in beating the crap out of me, not unless I messed with Ledelle that is. Needless to say that is when I finally went and did her in only to see her disappear.

Couple of other things, when you face the wheel that says cutting the rope might prove a good distraction I found that I fooled myself into thinking the wheel was important when in fact I should have gone down the side where the rope actually is, I fooled myself because the E and F notification/icons that pop up do so intermittently if you stand near the end of the wheel - the number of times I tried realigning myself to get the icons to show was pretty dumb of me lol. Also if you happen to search the crates on the middle floor near the wall there is a medium sized gap in between them that I had a lot of difficulty getting out of mostly because the camera can get funky moving around way to much. I have also made the error of going for the shadowy fella, hes almost as tough as me in RL hahaha!

All that said, I am not done with this yet, I did enjoy it a bit too much, I think for me the combat is a bit too much not because it is too much but because I forget how lame my left hand is, I frequently buy new cups/mugs because I also forget I can't trust it to hold on safely and end up dropping them. Good thing I don't have a carpeted floor!

PS (unrelated) has anyone noticed how when you are typing up a post the word Rocco passes the spell check?( I kept misspelling Roccio when I noticed, but could only find Rocco as an Italian name when I googled it).
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2021 00:32
Good stuff James, thanks.

All the outdoor stuff posted in the thread is intended for a larger game and isn't used in this scenario. Getting outside is definitely a bug as this is meant to take place entirely inside. I suspect it may be an issue with colission checking with low framerates.

For the rope and wheel, yeah you need to look at it such that the interaction prompt comes up and cut it with that (F). Just using attacks on it won't work at this point because non human entities aren't checked for combat actions - that's probably not a bad idea though

It's interesting that Roccio on 3f triggered against you entering combat on 2f, the floor collision should have blocked him from detecting you there so I'll take a look at that.

The fact that he stayed put for both you and wattywatts makes me almost certain his behavior is configured that way but i haven't had a chance to confirm. Its a long weekend coming up though and i should have some time

A single player RPG featuring a branching, player driven storyline of meaningful choices and multiple endings alongside challenging active combat and intelligent AI.
Chris Tate
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Posted: 10th Jul 2021 09:16
Hello there @Ortu

I am having fun, but experiencing issues where I start using RUN mode and my camera looks in the opposite direction. This also occurs when Roccio enters to try to knock me out, if I do not rotate the camera all I see is my character's face getting clobbered.

I was wondering why the level was so dark, then I met hooded fellow, and so on.

It has been a busy week at work, and also England reaching the European football finals, first final for 55 years and the stadium is not far from home, so RIP sleep especially this Monday.

@James H
Sorry to learn about that. Dealing with Fibromyalgia is no small matter and I hope your personal care improves the situation. What job do you want?

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