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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Egypt pack false wall showing up transparent in build & lighting isues

The Big ZK
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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 20:41
I've put a false wall from the Egypt pack in my level. It works great when I test the level but when I build a stand alone game to see how everything works the wall is completely see through. It's like it's changing it to static from dynamic. And no I'm not building as a multiplayer, all other dynamic entities remain dynamic. Does anyone know who made the Egypt pack, maybe he can help me out? I'm also having issues when I build the game where the lighting is completely bright as can be even though testing the game it's dark. All settings are set to Quality and High and it builds it just fine. Do I have to make more changes to the setup.ini file? This stuff should be in the manual if that's the case. I'm about to give up on this project and FPSC altogether because it's nothing but a buggy hassle to do anything. I thought this was supposed to be somewhat "easy"? I fix one problem and find two more. I know that's what people say about game development, but these are problems that shouldn't even be there if everything was operating as it's supposed to (i.e. the engine and model packs)...

The Big ZK
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Posted: 1st Sep 2014 05:25
So I finally figured out the ambient lighting and was able to set it by using a trigger zone where the player spawns. But the wall is still disappearing. I searched the forums and found a similar thread saying that some of the Dark Egypt walls don't get placed in the folders when the game is built. I checked and the Dark Egypt folder is there but it's empty. The thread said you had to manually add the files, the other files in the game build seem to have a media file and a file with a dbo extension but I can't find one of those for my wall. I found a media file, an fpe file and a bmp file but no file with a dbo extension. Does anyone know where to find it? I appreciate any help you can offer a slightly frustrated fpsc beginner, although I'm less frustrated as I get better with the program and used to what it can and can't do. Thanks!
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Posted: 1st Sep 2014 19:23

As a new user it's an automated process, we can't override it sorry.

The Big ZK
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Posted: 1st Sep 2014 20:03
Okay, thanks for letting me know. I thought it was manual because on the Reloaded forums it went off after a few posts. But here it seems like it's taking forever...
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Posted: 4th Sep 2014 01:53
Quote: "I've put a false wall from the Egypt pack in my level. It works great when I test the level but when I build a stand alone game to see how everything works the wall is completely see through. It's like it's changing it to static from dynamic. And no I'm not building as a multiplayer, all other dynamic entities remain dynamic. Does anyone know who made the Egypt pack, maybe he can help me out?"

Quote: "But the wall is still disappearing. I searched the forums and found a similar thread saying that some of the Dark Egypt walls don't get placed in the folders when the game is built. I checked and the Dark Egypt folder is there but it's empty. The thread said you had to manually add the files, the other files in the game build seem to have a media file and a file with a dbo extension but I can't find one of those for my wall. I found a media file, an fpe file and a bmp file but no file with a dbo extension. Does anyone know where to find it?"

We use the Dark Egypt packs extensively and are familiar with the pack. It seems that some media will not copy over to a build and requires you to manually copy the files over to the build. The reason? The engine is coded to accept certain folder names and if it is exceeded or contains a character that is not recognized, it will skip it. I know this because I contacted the developer of the pack and we ran extensive tests on it and know exactly this issue. We also have rewritten the entire v1.17 source and fixed this particular issue in our version.

Anytime we build a dev using this pack (Dark Egypt), we always check the build and manually copy the required folders and files. On the entity side, the files/folders we have issues with are located in "Files\entitybank\Dark Egypt-v2\Rooms" - seems anything in this location don't copy to the build because of the apostrophe or ampersand in the folder name. Just copy what you need as is from there to your build, making sure you keep the same folder structure on both sides identical.

The segment side is located in "Files\segments\Dark Egypt-V2\", but I have never had issues with the segments.

There's no problem that can't be solved without applying a little scripting.
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Posted: 4th Sep 2014 02:39
I've been having issues with Model Pack 73 (the Western Pack). Some of the horse models have riders on them, while others don't. The ones without riders still render the riders even though the texture is transparent.

Maybe the current build (1.20 E) has some transparency problems?

-Winner of the X10 Revival Competition, Susysyay
"I'm havin' too good a time today, I ain't even thinkin' bout tomorrow."
The Big ZK
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Posted: 4th Sep 2014 03:45
Thank you very much Blackfox!! It was actually your post I read on another thread that was saying to add them manually. But it wasn't working for me until now. I wasn't keeping the same folder structure (missed one). I just added in the missing folder and the wall is now there. You're my hero!

I hope you find an answer for your problem Susysyay. Are you using beta 1.20 final e? I'm using beta 1.20 v1.17 instead of final e because there's a mod I want to use that hasn't been tested in final e but it has in 1.17. Perhaps you should download a different version or a non beta build like 1.18 and see if the problem still occurs (make a new map, don't use the same one). Is the problem happening when used with a trigger zone? I ask because I had transparent zombies when using a trigger zone at one time.
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Posted: 4th Sep 2014 04:13
Quote: "I've been having issues with Model Pack 73 (the Western Pack). Some of the horse models have riders on them, while others don't. The ones without riders still render the riders even though the texture is transparent.

Maybe the current build (1.20 E) has some transparency problems?"

It could be a possibility. We have the Western Pack and do not have any issues with it. I did do testing for Dale when he was making this pack and both he and I knew that different versions of FPSC always seem to cause headaches when it comes to media. That's why a few of us pick one version and work with that, not relying on the "upgrades" fixing issues. Besides, you don't really need to upgrade each time a new one comes out- like the saying "if it works, don't fix it; if it don't work, upgrade til it does work, then leave it alone".

Quote: "Thank you very much Blackfox!! It was actually your post I read on another thread that was saying to add them manually. But it wasn't working for me until now. I wasn't keeping the same folder structure (missed one). I just added in the missing folder and the wall is now there."

No problem, glad to help. There are very few that use the pack, let alone answer the question (or most now have left for Reloaded). We are staying with Classic and just happened to see the thread, plus the fact the creator of the pack and I communicate quite a bit so I knew what to look for.

There's no problem that can't be solved without applying a little scripting.

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