Coding in spare time is hard work with three kids and a full time job, but I am making good progress! My graphics are really bad, so to save time, I have changed the theme of the first version of this game from "cave-man on a bike" to "sci-fi neon glow" (much easier to draw). Elements completed so far:
For The Level Editor:
* Select Level
* Select background image for level
* Select Foreground image for level
* Select Music
* Select landscape texture
* Draw terrain
* Drop and place objects onto terrain
* Build atlas textures for terrain
* Save
For The Actual Game:
* Main Menu (with animated background)
* Pause Menu (activates with back button)
* Options (with volume sliders)
* Transition effects between screens
* Sparkler effects (particles)
* Level Selection screen
One of the main development goals is to make this game very easy to skin so once it is complete I will be able to make a new version within a few weeks with minimal coding effort.
I'll post up some screenshots this evening.