ah.... then maybe he did use t2. good question.
i saw it here:
Archived Progress Reports:
+ Code Snippet
` 9/8/13
` removed 700 lines of REMs of ideas
` designed a lot about monsters, and got 4 loaded
` distributed some monsters on planets. able to melee kill them.
` designed a monster extermination quest, executed, completable.
` 9/9/13
` got target selection for ranged weapons on planets.
` allowed to shoot, damage, and kill monsters.
` 9/10/13
` added SPIRAL possibility to systems 1% current.
` spawned monsters in space. can't attack them yet.
` cut up ship wall sprites, devised method of getting them oriented.
` 9/11/13
` added barren planet. officialized 'dying' planet
` increased number of potential terrain types to 200.
` added a shooting animation
` can now shoot in space
` made a short gameplay movie
` released Alpha Demo 0.0.1
` 9/12/13
` deleted monsters between levels, and able to re-spawn.
` also deleted ITEMS between systems. if you leave a laser lying around,
` someone is going to steal it!
` split monster master & type into 2 different sets of properties.
` gave monsters more variety of names.
` refined spiral sector code.
` added the 'pocket nebula' system type.
maybe rem statements work with c++ too?
what im more impressed about is that he launched a successful kickstarter campaign. Hes much braver than i as that kinda commitment means you can't let anyone down. what ya promiss to deliver....you gotta do it even if you lose money/time to.
I would try it if i had signifficant progress... like 50-75% completed but in all honesty i wouldnt need funds to get the ball rolling. For me its more time thats against me more then anything.