So on my Nexus 7 I keep having some weird sound issues.
Sometimes WAV files won't play, then suddenly they start playing.
Oftentimes music has crackles in it.
My wife has the same exact model Nexus 7 and no problems for her.
I don't have any sound/music issues with other apps.
WAV files are windows 16-bit PCM trimmed to have zero crossings in Audacity.
Audacity says they are 32-bit float, mono 22,050Hz when I load them up, but the only option is to save them as 16-bit PCM...
Bitrate ranges from 352 to 700kbps... 700 seems a bit high.
Ah I found the option to export to different bit compressions, maybe that is the problem?
I know I saw someone, I think Jim say what the best compression is for WAV files on mobile. Can someone share that with me?
As far as the M4A files go they appear to be 16 bit PCM at 44,100Hz when I load them up into Audacity. I could probably turn them into mono, but they sound really great with headphones. Is Audactiy telling me the right info on these files? It seems like there should be a utility to tell me more info about the format. Right click in Windows explorer doesn't yield much info.
Also, what's optimal for M4A?
I've been listening to the music for the app for a bit right now and it isn't crackling. It seems to start to happen after sounds have been loaded and played a bit... Is it possible that the WAV format I'm using is messing up the M4A playback?
So many questions!
Thanks for the help