Digital Awekening let me know how u get on with the -1 check
I dont dim arrays as I've been declaring them with the new style arrays in V2
thisarray as integer[]
and then adjusting the size with
thisarray.length = newsize
I have no issues with the arrays as I've used -1 to determine the action I take on them and I've managed to work right around everything by simply applying the -1 check so I have UDT's which contain arrays of UDT's which for some may be too much to comprehend but in reality is very very basic and probably the most effective way I have found so far to use the new arrays , with this style u can create Levels , scenes , tiles , inventories , GUI Menus , grids , and u can attatch properties to each tile if u wish and it would all be contained inside a UDT , so u could literally check ur collision types or ur events from inside ur UDT , u can use the UDT to check if a door is opened , if a playersprite has collided with any 1 of 1000 tile sprites , it would trigger the appropriate action because all details needed a stored inside a UDT , maybe not on the first index , but deeper inside a subarray , or even inside a subarray that is inside a subarray
Does this make sense? , basically what u will find is that rather than coding thousands and thousands of lines of code over and over again , u can just use the one template UDT , create a new instance of it using
UDT.length = UDT.length+1
and ALL subarray data structures will then automatically be created because it is all contained inside the TOP LEVEL UDT , therefor giving u endless options as to what u wanna use them for and a template in which u can scale to a factor only limited by ur imagination , allowing u to create hundreds of levels on the fly and upon creating them it can automatically fill ur event details wether its collision or whatever u can imagine,this will save u ridiculous amounts of coding time
if u design in this manner u will finish projects faster meaning if ur doing this professionally u can start working on ur marketing sooner , because production times will speed up, I thought this is how most people were coding anyway? , YES I come from an OOP background and YES I realise that AppGameKit is no Object Orientated , but the new arrays are something special and should be used in such a manner , I'm not trying to C++ or Pascal these arrays , I am just using them in a very pratical manner , ur limited only by ur imagination when programming , and for the purpose of remaining on topic for the original thread YES I do think being able to check if an array exists would be very very helpful , and the closest thing I've come to it is to make sure that the UDT that I am checking does NOT = -1
Native Technology