Hi spectrepaul,
these are pretty rough and ready instructions, but hopefully will get you started. Though Ubuntu is the offical platform, I use Centos7 with no issues also it seems to work on any other distro.
I am not sure on your Linux skills, so this is pretty basic. Installing the libraries could be a challenge if you are a not experienced with the Linux command-line.
Here's a basic guide for geting Tier1 working (non C++).
Download from TGC the file AppGameKit-V2.0.11-Linux.tar.gz
Typically your browser places this the Downloads folder of you home directory (eg: /home/MyUserName/Downloads)
Open a Terminal window (Alt-T on Ubuntu)
(to show where you are in the filesystem)
You should be in the root of your home account
you will have something like this "/home/MyUserName/"
tar -zvxf ~/Downloads/AppGameKit-V2.0.11-Linux.tar.gz
(will take about 30-60 seconds to complete)
ls -la you will have a new directory titled "AGKLinux"
AGK for Linux requires the following libraries as most Linux distros do not include them by default.
you need libjpeg.so.8 installed
for unbuntu I think you need to run in a terminal
sudo apt-get install libjpeg-turbo8
you also need these libraries for sound to work
libavcodec54, libavformat54
for Ubuntu I think you need to run in a terminal
sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-libav
SDL is not required at this point
To run the IDE you need to change into the application directory for AGK
cd AGKLinux
Now you need to know are you 32bit Linux or x64
uname -p
if you get "x86_64" as the result you are 64bit so
otherwise run ./AGK32
It's late, I'm tired, out of coffee and now I'm wet.