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Work in Progress / Three - [RPG]

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2014 05:54 Edited at: 16th Feb 2015 03:40
This is THREE.

Hopefully this is not too soon... Still got LOTS to do though.


A wounded soldier named Sol, subjected to inhuman experiments to produce the perfect warrior had a series of serious side-effects rendering him in all sense, dead. His body like all failed experiments was cast into the trash leading to the slum sector of a towering city, Nilh, hovering high above the desert floor.

At one time the city was known to be a land of wealth and diversity. Now the city has grown into a steel trap, where the poor are put far out of sight. The city is designed in layers, segregating people according to status. The more wealth the higher up you are on the pillar. The poor however, being at the bottom of the tier suffer from limited lighting. Dusk and dawn prove to be the only times natural light shines through the cracks onto that sector.

Sol, not quite as dead as was anticipated was very much alive and the side-effects were immediately noticeable. His vision is gone, but much like a bat, he has acquired a sonar-like ability. Along with the vision, his abilities continue to grow. It was not long before memories of these experiments began to flow back into his mind.

The slums became his new home, and his new beginning.


The style of gameplay falls along the classic turn-based RPG game. You have multiple party members, for which you are in control of one at any given time, while the rest go into "auto" mode where they follow a specific type of attack mode set by you. At any point you can switch through the characters to control that character's actions.

Each character has their own special abilities and a set number of action points. Battles are randomly timed and random number and types of enemies. The game will be set in a vast open world.


*Work on the battle system a little more
*Texture the remaining junkyard (LOTS AND LOTS OF TEXTURING AND UV MAPPING)
*More thorough storyline
*Interactive Objects
*Particle Effects
and much more...

Comments/Ideas/Critism is always welcome.

And now for.....

NEW IMAGES: (Textured a little more. Still working on upgrading them)

DBPro Master
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2014 07:22
Glad to see this moved up to WIP

Sounds like it has some strong FFVII inspirations?

Chris Tate
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2014 10:48
I like where you are going with the toon shading. Good luck with this; and stick to it!

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2014 04:18
Thanks for the positive feedback guys.

Yes, I'm a huge FF fan, especially FFVII and FFIII. I miss the classic Turn Based RPG style that they created. Still trying to think of things that will make it unique in it's own way though.
AGK Backer
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Playing: FFVII
Posted: 5th Jan 2015 07:12
I see the screenshots and think, Seppuku Arts...

I too love the Blocky and Toon shading! they are my aim as well, maybe not as Tooney but similar...

Keep it going, tagged in for this ride!

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Posted: 1st Feb 2015 20:17
Just a little Update: Still working on this, took a bit of a break, trying to help a friend with a game idea he had, but couldn't stop thinking of working on this game, so, currently I am:

Working on the Battle System a little more. Made a few changes to it. Now, Instead of controlling every character at the same time (ie: FFVII) you control one character while the others are in auto-mode. You can switch between any of the characters at any time. So, if you need to get a certain spell off and don't trust the auto-attack the one character will do, you can control it yourself. Still working on the sequencing of the fights, as there is a little hiccup in it, but hope to figure it out soon.

Also, made some updates to the textures and the intro level to give it some more life. Still not quite done with it though, a slow going process. Will post some new pics once the level is complete with the new textures. I will probably still update them further once that's done, but at least they will be a little more tolerable then the grey boring one currently.
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Posted: 16th Feb 2015 03:09
New Pictures Up. Textures still in the works to get it smoother, but they are close to being done. Battle System is almost fully functional. Still have lots of work to do on it to get it to complete though.
Chris Tate
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Posted: 17th Feb 2015 15:50
Great stuff. Are you planning to add a lighting and shadows system, or is the way you want the levels to look?

In my opinion, I think strong shadows could be used with your rendering style to draw more attention to key areas of the scene, whiles concealing trivial areas.

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Posted: 17th Feb 2015 18:25
Thanks! Yes, I want to set up some lighting and shadows in a more intricate manner. I'm not good with shaders at all, so it'll take a long time to get it there.

Currently, there is only one light source on the shader, but I want to have it support multiple lights (each independently tweekable) and two types (a area/radial light, and a beam/spot light). As for shadows, I want to add in the shader something that will give proper shadows that I can update easily.

As mentioned, with close to zero experience with shaders, this will take a long time, lol.
Chris Tate
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Posted: 18th Feb 2015 17:12 Edited at: 18th Feb 2015 17:36
Not to worry; most people do not realise that shader programming is really fun; and arguably much easier than programming a user interface or a combat system. Don't let the C like syntax scare you, alot of it is based on simple math and structure definitions. Play around with shader examples and see for your self.

You can find the reference library for shader model 3 here ( Something apt for your browser bookmark list.

Advanced Lighting is the best DarkBASIC lighting system available; and is available here. Even if using such an advanced system would prove to be overkill; it is still a good DarkBASIC rendering example to learn from.

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