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Geek Culture / Check out my home grown Music Website!

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Posted: 27th Dec 2014 08:53 Edited at: 27th Dec 2014 21:56
Hello folks,

I haven't been around these haunts in quite a long time. I wanted to show off my new music website that I built myself from scratch using CSS, HTML and Javascript.

Here's a little insider information about the technology behind the site:

Neat, Clean site inspired by Google's Material Design
CSS Animated Hamburger Menu (About Me)
SQL Database-driven content
HTML5 Content Delivery
You cannot see it, but there is a web-based control panel back end that allows the uploading and editing of songs
The control panel allows instant updating content via AJAX

And a little inside information about the music on the site:
I am a singer/songwriter
I play upbeat pop/folk and rock tunes
I hope you enjoy the music

That's all folks!

Let me know what you think of my web design and music, and thank you for checking this out!


Here is a screenshot of the web-based control panel interface. Notice this is being used on an android phone. I have gone to great lengths to ensure my site works on mobile devices as well as desktops.


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DBPro Master
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Posted: 28th Dec 2014 01:35
Your "hamburger" css is clever.

"I like offending people, because I think people who get offended should be offended." - Linus Torvalds
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Location: Illinois
Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 05:48
Thank you, Phaelax, but I cannot claim to be that clever. It was based off a few useful articles, one of them here.

I am wondering, are there any musicians out there who would like a minimalist showcase for there music, such as this? Like I said this is a sweet little CMS with a database driven, ajax powered online control panel. As such, it needs beta testers and feature-suggesters, so if anyone would like to try it out I would be happy to set them up with a site (on a free host of course).


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