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AppGameKit Classic Chat / model-2-sprite can't load

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Posted: 30th Dec 2014 17:33

Microsoft C++ runtime library

Runtime error

I have actually paid for this app, how I can solve this problem ?

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Posted: 30th Dec 2014 18:04
You need to supply more information. Nobody can help without knowing what you were doing when you got this generic error.

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Posted: 30th Dec 2014 18:57
Just Launching the program...

You know, clicking with mouse button on the icon

windows 7 / 64 bits

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Ancient Lady
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 01:54
Are you clicking on the icon for your compiled program or for MS VS?

It is not clear.

Your thread title seems to indicate that you are trying to load a sprite?

If this message is appearing on your compiled app, then it looks like something that is happening during initialisation.

To help with this kind of issue, we really need to see the code. And whether it is being executed from the 'app::Begin' method or 'app::Loop'. The 'Begin' method only executes once. The other is the main loop for the application.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 11th Feb 2015 03:41
Found the fix for this issue...

I installed the 2005 C++ runtime but that didn't fix the issue.


Run as administrator.

Hope this helps somebody!
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Posted: 11th Feb 2015 11:57
He seems to be talking about this program.

Why the hell does he post in the AppGameKit forum is beyond me but anyway, seems he can't start the program.

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Visual Web Dave
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Posted: 11th Feb 2015 12:50
This is a support program for AGK. I don't belive there is a board for this app so I guess that's why he posted here.
White knight
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Posted: 13th Feb 2015 17:18
does it have a dll file it's looking for if so what dll is it looking for it could mean you need different version of runtime dlls if it's not working with visual studio 2005 runtime

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White knight
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Posted: 13th Feb 2015 17:34
ok if your haveing problems like something about terminate in unusal way try compadibility settings with admin and windowsxp service pack 2

new learning center comming soon

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