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Geek Culture / Razer Forge TV

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Joined: 18th Jan 2009
Location: Paradox
Posted: 7th Jan 2015 20:21

Found this cool, another Android console platform, seems Ouya will have some competition. Hopefully developer support is as friendly.

<a href="" title="View Kayak Escape! on Slide DB" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Kayak Escape!" /></a>
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Location: The Avenging Axe, Turai
Posted: 8th Jan 2015 12:53 Edited at: 8th Jan 2015 12:54
Quote: "seems Ouya will have some competition."

Is anybody actually using an Ouya?
Yodaman Jer
User Banned
Posted: 8th Jan 2015 21:36
I used mine all of twice and have pretty much regretted backing it. They could have done a LOT more with it seeing as they got a crapload more money than they claimed they actually needed. Such is the price for backing projects it would seem.

The forge TV looks cool, but really still don't see the point in all these "consoles" for mobile gaming. It's called mobile gaming for a reason.

It's back, baby!

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