These forums aren't perfect, we all accept that. But a couple of other things...
1. "This forum software is obnoxious" is not the way to start a post and get constructive responses.
2. There are some very good things about this forum. For example, it has NEVER been hacked in over 10 years. That's mainly because it was written specifically for TGC.
3. You need to start by
helping yourself. You can use
My Threads for anything you start. You can subscribe to any threads you are interested in. And you can use the SEARCH functionality to find all of the existing discussions regarding the forum functionality, rather than start yet another one. There is no "My Posts" list, but it's on the list of things to be implemented by The NExt, who is working hard to find the best way forward.
4. Offtopic is called Geek Culture as it is appropriate to the audience here. Again,
help yourself by reading the
descriptions of the boards.
5. Searching would have found
this thread, which explains the current forum situation. It is standard across all forums on the internet to check the stickies, which this post is.
If this post comes across as short and snappy (perhaps obnoxious), I am responding in the same manner that you posted. Please be a little more considerate to the efforts that go into making this place work. It's very easy to criticise without realising the consequences of your words.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur