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AppGameKit Classic Chat / attach all sprite together

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Joined: 7th Apr 2009
Location: Tehran-Iran
Posted: 30th Jan 2015 12:34 Edited at: 30th Jan 2015 12:39

I created a Puzzle game and I want after finish game,move all sprite to custom Position (like Paintings) but I don't know how can attach all sprite together and change all Position at same time.

Please Guide me.

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Joined: 4th Apr 2003
Location: Gods own County, UK
Posted: 30th Jan 2015 12:59
2 options:

1. Loop through all of the sprites and move them all the same distance in turn.

2. Make one of the sprites a static physics sprite and the rest dynamic physics sprites. Connect them all with weld joints. Moving the Kinetic sprite will then move them all.

Here's an example of option 2:

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Years of Service
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Joined: 7th Apr 2009
Location: Tehran-Iran
Posted: 30th Jan 2015 15:53
Thanks BatVink, option 2 is better idea.

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