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AppGameKit Classic Chat / fyi - AGK2/IDE and apk build case sensitivity

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Posted: 1st Feb 2015 23:24
The apk build process is case sensitive. I'm sure many of you know this and it's probably documented somewhere, but I couldn't find it, probably because I didn't know the right thing to search for until after I had figured out what was going on.

I spent almost a week trying to figure out why my app worked when run from the IDE on Windows7 but was missing image files in the apk. It was because I had some upper case characters in some of my image file names but I had coded them in all lower case. The IDE doesn't care, probably because Windows doesn't care, but it's important for the apk build process because it will be unpacked on android, a case sensitive file system.

Hopefully this will save someone else some time!

Gilbert, AZ, USA
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2015 09:09
Look foe mediascan and download the program. It will catch fix these problems.

Onwards and sometimes upwards
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2015 09:47
i think the images files was in the apk but the load can't
find them because case sensitive.
GetErrorOccurred() & GetLastError() should help too.
i believe this .apk file can renamed as .zip and open in windows.

AGK 108 (B)19 + AppGameKit V2 Alpha .. : Windows 8.1 Pro 64 Bit : AMD Radeon R7 265 : Mac mini OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2015 01:24
Android being case sensitive for file names is a well known issue. And it has nothing to do with AGK. It is the way *nix systems work.

It is also a bad idea to include spaces in your file names (or directories that you create for your project).

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2015 03:36 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2015 03:56
I noticed in v1 that the images for the virtual joysticks and buttons had uppercase, etc. The files for the fonts started with an uppercase letter.
I haven't looked at it in v2 yet, but I have made some APK files with v2 that I got working on my tablet but I use custom images for the up and down on the buttons for that one.

The only trouble I have ran into is when I used a number as the first digit of the my_app name in the com.mycompany.my_app package name. That gave a parsing error until I put alpha character prefix to that my_app name. Then, it worked fine.

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V1 Tier 1
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2015 09:28
Your diagnosis is correct, it's because Windows doesn't care and Android does. The simplest solution is to have all file names lower case alphanumeric and underscore only unless absolutely necessary.
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Posted: 5th Feb 2015 00:56
I also suffered from this in the new 11 update. i had a folder of images that just had numbers as filenames (0.png, 1.png etc) on the 11 update they all stopped working. I renamed the files so they are "deck0.png" etc and now they all work

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